Become a Webkinz Farmer for a great way to earn extra KinzCash!
Visit the Fun Stuff Section in the WShop and look for the Seeds tab. There you will find a variety of Growing Garden seed packets that you can plant in an Outdoor or Treetop room.
Currently, garden items don’t require any maintenance like they did before (like watering or raking weeds).
Each day, you can return to your gardening rooms to check out how your crops are growing. Each type of plant grows at a different rate, but once they are ready, you can click on them to harvest the food.
Once you’ve harvested the food from your Growing Garden plants, your crops are automatically re-planted and the growing cycle starts again. The harvested food in your Dock can either be fed to your pets or sold back to the WShop for a nice KinzCash profit!
Are YOU a Webkinz farmer? Let us know in the comments below!
Will gardening maintenance ever return?
i don’t know 90skidzrule
I liked gardening maintenance… Lol I guess i could say it made me work hard for some food!
Hey oats34WK! Do you have a garden?
I have one, I grow pumpkins, corn, and strawberries. (And, yes, i have one out-of-place tomato plant.) :P
Hey FennecFox! i have a garden on my oats account. but i don’t have one on my new accounts yet. i got a lot of work to do.
I had a garden for a year, then all the crops died… Yeah, I was lazy. XD But I actually didn’t like the maintenance because I had a HUGE garden, and a slow computer… So yeah. I need to get back to it! :)
Cool oats! I love gardening… (that’s on webkinz at least)!
I have a garden too, but it is mixed in with other outdoor plantation. Corn, pumpkins, watermelons, carrots…I think tomatoes…I used to grow sushi an giant beans, but I don’t do that currently.
Alright, it’s just my personal opinion, but I like to see my garden is waiting for me without having me to remember to tend to it before it rots. It is a little less realistic, but more practical. :)
haha yeah, ArtMagician! it also help us (sometimes lazy) webkinz players not to worry about our gardens!
I liked doing the garden maintenance because it made it more realistic. In real life you can’t just plant seeds and harvest. Without maintenance there wouldn’t be very much, if anything to harvest. I hope the garden maintenance comes back into play soon.
I changed my avatar to the endangered Bengal tiger!!!! It’s so cool!
What do you guys have for your avatar?
I should change my avatar to a horse. I’m christiancowgirl123! But I just changed it to a husky….
It’s the brown Arabian! I love them! I want a horse sooo bad. I might have to move…. In SI we aren’t allowed to have one…. I would want to move to Montana or Ohio.
endangered Bengal tiger i love tigers
My avatar used to be a saber tooth tiger, but I recently changed it to a signature calico cat to honor my calico cat, Taffy, who recently died.
I have a sherbert bunny as my avatar .Beacause even though I do not have one for my webkinz family I am going to try to get one one day.But ChristainCowgirl123 I do have a benegal tiger on my webkinz family
ChristainCowgirl123 I have a grey Arabian for my webkinz family… I named it breeze,I thought that would be a nice name for a horse like the grey Arabian.What would you name it if you got one for your webkinz family?
To TaffyKitty12: I am very sorry for your loss. I know it’s difficult to deal with a beloved pet’s passing. Take care.
Thank you, BH1464. It’s been hard for me to deal with. Taffy was such a good cat and I miss her so much. I’m thankful, though, that she was my pet and I was able to spend a lot of time with her.
I have a Grey Arabian in honor of my first pet. :)
TaffyKitty12, I’m so sorry for your loss! :( I know what it’s like to lose a loved one.
Thank you, BrightnSinging2Carrots. It’s been hard to deal with the loss of my beloved cat.
I don’t know, but generally when I grow food, my pets EAT the food, not sell it. Especially since the X update. So yeh. If you ask for any food, you’re not gonna get any because it’s generally gone as soon as I get it. XD
Heyo ChristianCowgirl123, my avatar is a Red Wolf :3
Go wild dogs yes, but especially wild cats and lynxes and wild birds like snowy owls and wild rare things like moose (up here for moose anyway) and just about anything wild. Oh but only the wolves if they aren’t like hurting me XD.
OH I forgot YES I am Deluxe !!!
what does that mean? I am Deluxe.what does that do?
No they didnt print I have 94 pets and have to buy 300 food a night to do all the pet care, I feed each . Takes 2-3 hours.
GUINEAPLOVER I am also 19tiny55 and tinygma
Wow, 19tiny55, 2-3 hours! I fill 137 hearts per day, and it takes under an hour. What are you doing that takes so long just to feed everyone? I also am buying tons of food from the WShop, which is why I planted 2 more gardens. I had one, but needed more to supplement my pets’ growing needs.
137 pet care hearts! Per day!?! Whoa! Your family score must be soOOO high! I have five pets. I was thinking of getting another one, like a bear, or that new pegasus that is coming out. I would really love an arctic fox! username ~kalcan8
I love my garden and 137 care hearts is not that much. I get 273 each day.~mallyboo25
Wait…SERIOUSLY?!? Every. Single. Day? Your WW house must have so many rooms! Do your pets just share bedrooms, like a cabin at sleep-away camp? How do you find time to care for that many pets EVERY day? That is amazing! username ~ kalcan8
what does deluxe do to gardening?
Nothing same as everyone else.
Nothing that I am aware of guineapglover I’m deluxe and nothing is different than the last eight years of my webkinz experience:-)
Webkinz I have a question. So, usually when I try to get on to webkinz it doesn’t work. But sometimes it works just fine! What am I doing wrong?
sprinkles505 you are doing… well… er… NOTHING wrong <3(i think)! It's just your computer, probably, or the webkinz site. :)
I’ve been a Webkinz gardener for eight years. Sometimes my pets eat their delicious homegrown food and sometimes they sell it. Either way, gardening is a win! It is nice not having to tend the garden daily. Every time I went on vacation, I came back to find it dead. Please leave it the way it is now. It is much more enjoyable.
I also like not having to tend to the gardening – I vote to keep it like it is too.
You should make a sell all button in the Wshop because it’s a lot of work to keep of filling up the things and then click sell i have a lot of backyards and in my back yard are full of plants its it a lot of work to sell them
You HAVE TO MAKE A SELL BUTTON for mobile!!!!!! It’s SOOO annoying having to log into WW on the computer just to sell some stuff because I usually decorate rooms on mobile!
when are the winners for the plenty of plush promotion going to be announced?
I want to know to.
Webkinz said they were going to announce the winners the end of this week… I think… :)
I think we’re all eager to know who the winners are!!! :)
Yeah FennecFox i thought i heard something about that.
I garden everyonce in awhile but I usually forget. I never thought about selling my food back to the Wshop. I should try it sometime! By the way, for Christmas, I can’t decide weather I should ask for the regular husky or the minty moose. What do you guys think?
That’s a tough one. Both Webkinz are really cool! I own the regular husky and it is really cool in plush form. As for the minty moose, I’m not sure since I don’t own one. But, it does look pretty amazing in all of the pictures I looked at of it. Here’s my advice: if you love cute Webkinz dogs and puppies, I suggest you ask for the puppy. If you’re looking for something a little more unique and Christmas-y, I recommend that you ask for the minty moose. I know this doesn’t help a whole lot, but it’s hard to pick which one since both are so cool! I’m sure you’ll like whichever one you choose, though. They are both really awesome pets!
Set 1 pet as a garden guard with a small bed in your garden and Pet care items in a room next door . With a pet in your garden you will NEVER forget to harvest and when. I have a Polar Bear in my garden for the winter,
I leave a boy hamster and a girl hamster in my garden to maintain it and its surroundings.
Go for the Husky, ilovemoonie!!! I LOVE THE HUSKY!!! (even though I don’t own one!)
I look at the PSI and see which I can use more .
Minty moose definitely!
Oh minty moose!! For sure get that one. That’s what I would get at least. I mean, it looks like a virtual only pet, but it’s in plush form too!
ilovemoonie, i have a regular lil’ kinz husky, I names him Slush! He is adorable and chubby and CUTE! But the Minty Moose is so…soo…. AWESOME too!
Here are some names for a Minty Moose: Wintermint, Minty, Gingerbread, Candy Cane, Sugar Cookie, Peppermint, Holly, Berry, Beryl, Snowflake. Here are some names for a Husky: Glacier, Frosty, Frost, Slush, Ice, Iceberg, Icy, Sugar, Snowflake, Snowball, SnowCone. That’s all I’ve got for now! Hope they’re good!
Thank you for your suggestions everybody! And FennecFox, thanks for the name ideas!
You’re welcome! I just love webkinz names!
I’ll defenitely keep snowCone in mind if I get the husky. I probably wouldn’t have thought of that on my own! I also really like wintermint for the minty moose.
Arr…that’s a hard one. The original Husky is absolutely adorable! And the Minty Moose is adorable, too! However, the Husky is harder to find since it was retired; though, the Lil’ Kinz Husky is easier to find for some reason. The Minty Moose is also a little easier to find as far as I know. As for my personal recommendation, I’d recommend either pet!
I have one whole room for each w-shop seed! I love gardening! But I miss being able to harvest more than one crop for the carrots, strawberries, cabbages, corn, and tomatoes. Will that feature be coming back?
My dad loves this about webkinz. Yes, He play webkinz. XD
I got my grandfather hooked on webkinz :P
Cool! My dad also plays Webkinz. He doesn’t go on as much as me, though.
Neither of my parents go on Webkinz but my mom wanted the 10 year magic W dog. :)
I usually keep the food; then I don’t have to buy food as much. ;P Actually, I hardly ever buy food now.
This is also a good way to make thanksgiving better with all of the fresh food! I need to get farming again.
I have a garden but only four of each crop I like that I don’t have to care for them(yup I’m that lazy;-))
i have to agree with snowandlindsey and Quilter i like it much better this way it is much more forgiving on the sometimes forgetful player please keep it like this GANZ
Ha i’m lazy, too, snowandlindsey.
Totally! XD
My dad doesn’t really care about Webkinz…. But I could get one of my aunts to play… definitely! They would like it.
Haha that’s cute! <3
Sweet! I farm food every once in a while, but I’m not able to do it on a regular basis.
Oh, so the no raking/watering thing was not an issue with the game. I guess it’s a good thing for me considering I always forget to tend to my garden abs then the whole thing wilts. The only thing was that it was kinda neat to tend to a garden. It seemed more realistic that way.
I meant to say “and”, not “abs”. Sorry. My iPod autocorrects me a lot.
XD That happens when I am on my samsung galxy
Yeah my phone does that too!
Yeah, it’s soooo annoying! I mean, it helps when I forget how to spell a word, but I don’t like it when it randomly autocorrects my stuff. For example, when I type in “webkinz”, it changes it to “WebKinz”. So I have to go back and change the k or else some people might think I don’t know how to spell it correctly.
You have a phone. I don’t yet but I get one on black Friday. My first app will be webkinz. My faverete game ever. I have to have a phone when I start driving. I cant wate to drevers ed this winter. :~)
SIMPLE have a pet sleep in the garden . Some pets in real life live in gardens. Just have a pet care room next to it so you still can do pet care. I change pets during each season and I put a symbol on the map name for the room to remind me where I can find a HEART CARE room its (<3) the 2 in the middle . This on my map is on EVERY pets HOME room . Pool , sink ,tub ,treadmill ,trampoline in everyone. I am slowly adding blenders and sandwich makers to <3 care rooms. Good luck !
That’s really neat!
Thanks for the tip!
♥_♥ I just saw a CUTE puppy!!!!