Hailey and Elwin Make Over Fluffington’s Yard








No! No! No! This is all wrong! I cannot believe what Hailey and Elwin did to my yard! I mean, I know that I already let them loose in my living room and games room. I tried to cope with the fact that all my golden furniture and purple accessories had been removed to be replaced with red and green (how common!) and that my games room had been turned into some sort of giant white checkerboard.







But this yard is all wrong! Don’t Hailey and Elwin understand that I represent Kinzville’s gentry? I am from one of Kinzville’s oldest and most established families. I mean, if Great Aunt Meriwether sees a snowman, what is she going to think? That I’ve been rolling around in the snow in my expensive clothing?

What about those ridiculous ice sculptures of the fairies and this poofy red gazebo. (Why can’t they get that I like GOLD?) I asked Hailey and Elwin what they meant by all this whimsy and they said that they were trying to create a fun area where the children of Kinzville can play when they come to my party. Ugh! I’m certainly not expecting the children to PLAY at my party. I expect them to sit quietly and speak when they are spoken to. That is what children are supposed to do. Everyone knows that.

When I told Hailey and Elwin that their work so far has been unacceptable they pointed out that I had given them full creative rein to create a festive party environment.  And maybe I did, but when I said that I thought that they shared my vision of a grand and elegant soiree! They should have known that I expected the largest tree in Kinzville, bedecked with gold, silver and diamante decorations!

Then they had the nerve to say that if their work was unsatisfactory, perhaps I should try and find a designer who shared my vision and they left. Don’t they understand that my vision is the right one, and everyone should share it?

16 Responses to Hailey and Elwin Make Over Fluffington’s Yard

  1. lion lover is unimpressed with Fluffy-puffy says:


  2. MDIChickadee says:

    With all respect, Fluffington, why don’t you try using what Hailey and Erwin have done and see what happens? You might like the results. I think the game room, living room, and yard are wonderful!

  3. Cinderpelt says:

    Um… I have a different opinion! Haliey and Elwin are great makeoverers (LOL!). But sometimes they do like to go crazy. They were just trying to make your yard more fun, for kids to enjoy. Speaking of that, do you know ANYTHING about kids?!?! Not all of us are “proper and prim” or whatever. We like to have fun, too. Kindly talk to them about what colors you like, and kindly ask them not to go so crazy with things (I do admitt, I didn’t like the game room…), they’ll learn soon enough.


  4. snuggles56100 says:

    OH NO DID HE JUST SAY WHAT I THINK HE JUST SAID?! Do u think that us kids should not play and have fun? we do not wanna turn it to u Fluffington!!!

  5. Jinx57 says:

    Fluff boy, get over yourself. That goes for your Aunt too. If you don’t want children to play then you shouldn’t invite them. That’s like asking a dog not to bark and run around after frisbees, balls, sticks and other dogs. As for your “vision”, well, it’s your opinion and everyone is entitled to their own. I don’t always like Hailey & Elwin’s designs either, but if I gave them creative freedom then I couldn’t complain about what they did. You shouldn’t complain either if you didn’t give them any guidelines.

  6. chicklet says:

    I like the first one better.

  7. Stardrop* says:

    I like some of Hailey’s and Elwin’s designs. Some are kinda weird.

  8. scotlandd says:

    Finaly someone who does not like hailys and alwins degsins, because i don’t like it either.

  9. Paris says:

    I completely agree with Fluffington

  10. WebkinzWizard :) says:

    Fluffington, calm down! They were just trying to make your house look nice for your party. If you don’t like it then talk to them calmly. Tell them that you like the color gold, would appreciate it if they would decorate in that color and add some expensive looking decorations. Also, your vision isn’t the only right one. Everyone has there own likes and dislikes in decoration. Just because you like something doesn’t mean everyone should like and share the same vision of a decorated house.
    Please try and calm down a little. (And try and have a bit more Christmas spirit if you can also. :) )

    The *~Webkinz Wizard~* :)

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