Hailey and Elwin’s Studio: the Bathroom














Hi readers! It’s Elwin. When Hailey and I set out to design the bathroom for our new studio we wanted something that would really wow prospective clients. Chances are we won’t be taking a lot of baths while we’re working, but we wanted clients to see how impactful a well-designed bathroom could be.

We decided to go with an elegant yet modern theme in shades of pink. We started with the Trading Card Condo Wallpaper. It really stands out against the icy white First Snow Flooring. The Stress Soaker Hot Tub makes a stunning focal point in the room while the Whimsical Water Fountain is our creative alternative to a regular sink. Along with the marble columns it adds a very regal feel to the room. We added a feature wall with a pair of crystal chandeliers flanking a Pretty in the City Painting, set over top of a Frosted-Top Dining Table.

I think anyone would feel pretty special to have a bathroom like this. I know we sure do. And I hope our clients feel the same.

49 Responses to Hailey and Elwin’s Studio: the Bathroom

  1. HamsterHuey says:

    This is too pretty… what if a boy needs to use the restroom?

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! Except the toilet.

  3. LadyPancakes says:

    The toilet doesn’t ft into the bathroom, and if it did, I would put a room divider like krystalkat said.Wow! That’s a sink? That must be hard to use…..

  4. Orange Starburst says:

    COOL BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems kinda weird 2 have a regal bathroom doesn’t it? It still looks good though. Please, will u design it for me????? *Your friend, Orange Starburst*

  5. sssvert8 says:

    SO… nice bathroom but the toilet is not right and too small.

  6. superroar says:

    It’s all about the dramatic look of the room and not about how practical the bathroom is.

  7. Gabriella♥ says:

    Wow that’s really amaZING! (nice little frenchie accent) ♥

  8. CoconutCloud says:

    I think the room looks really pretty! I love the Flooring. It really gives a nice touch! I wonder how cold it is though… ~CC~

  9. sonici says:

    O. M. DOUBLE G!! Amaaaazing!! *~*Sonici*~*

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