Halloween is on its way to Webkinz World! Celebrate the spookiest time of year with these super-fun, super bone-chilling events:
- 2013 Halloween Challenge: beginning October 9, dress up, eat treats and decorate for Halloween to win super-spooky prizes!

- Decorate with the Haunted House Theme: beginning October 9, the Haunted House Theme is back in the W Shop! Plus, look for 3 NEW items: the Creepy Ghostfather Clock (which you can also win in the Halloween Challenge), the Mysterious Ooze Chest, and the Haunted Toilet!
- NEW Costumes for Your Pet: beginning October 9, your pet can become a brave Viking Princess, a dashing Frog Prince, or an adorable Robot! Plus, check out the returning Ghost Hunter, Goblin and Ladybug Costumes!
- NEW Rickety Haunted Cottage Building Kit: Deluxe Members can pick up this new kit in the W Shop, but regular members can WIN it for FREE by playing the 2013 Halloween Challenge in Webkinz Friends! Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how!
- Trick or Treat in the Clubhouse: from October 20-31, visit the Clubhouse to search for a friendly ghost who’ll give you a Halloween treat! Collect all 12 and you’ll unlock a customizable Jack O’Lantern!
- Halloween Login Treat Bag: Log into Webkinz World on October 31 to receive your Halloween treat bag, full of spooky prizes!
Ohh. . . I can’t wait!
very cool plus awesome
Thanks for all the awesome stuff you do for the members, Ganz!! I am looking forward to all these events!
Cant wait for October 9th!! This is going to be a good year.
And my pet also.
This sounds AWESOME! These prizes could go perfectly for my room! Thanks, Ganz!:D
omg. luv the robot costume!!!!!!!!!!!! robots r epic XD!!!!!!
These events look fun! I can’t wait to do the challenge and buy the new items in that room theme! My pets and I love Halloween! >>cathouse2
AWESOME thanks Ganz
what about the costume the candy corn witch i loved that one