Happy Holidays!

The holidays are here and we hope you’re having a good break from school! This is a great time of year to get outdoors and play, visit friends and family, and, of course, have a blast in Webkinz World! We’ve got tons of great activities for you to do on the Today’s Activities page, and your pet will be thrilled to play any game you like! Enjoy your holidays and visit us often!

17 Responses to Happy Holidays!

  1. Ilovetoanswerquestions says:

    Hi chilipepper222!
    The reason it took SO long is because EVERYONE (and I mean everyone)
    logs on Webkinz on Christmas Day because you get a free gift.

    PS: Sorry I Answered SOOOO late!

  2. naturalhorse says:

    It took me a long time to get on, too. chilipepper222, but I know why. Because everybody is trying to get on webkinz since it is Christmas and they want their gifts. So, I’m sorry if you didn’t get your gift. :(

    Happy Holidays!

    I got a white terrier! I haven’t logged her in though but will soon! :)

  3. Bluepeso says:

    The Minty Moose is so cute.

  4. Bluepeso says:

    I know why it was so slow.It was because so many people where on WEBKINZ. Have A Great Day

  5. happywebkinz says:

    I got Waffles for Christmas!!! and Santa gave me the lil kinz golden retriever!!:)

  6. angelranch2233 says:

    I have the Ribbon Yorkie! (the pink dog!!)

  7. BlooMooMoo says:

    I love the Jackolope =) haha

  8. Christmasisover says:

    Ha, I got the Ice Dragon for Christmas!

  9. gingerhorsez2 says:


  10. chilipepper222 says:

    Yesterday I was trying to play but it took to long.Can you tell me why this happened?

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