Happy New Year From Your New Mayor!


Happy New Year! I am so thrilled today to take over as the new Mayor of Kinzville! Dr. Quack has done a fantastic job as Mayor and I hope that I can live up to the high standards he set.


I’m so excited that my new role as Mayor will let me introduce players to some of the cool stuff that eStore has to offer. Once a month we will hold a Player Appreciation Day upon which we will be giving away a gift from eStore!


I am happy to announce that our very first player appreciation day will be held on Saturday, January 26, 2019. Log into Webkinz World that day to have your first Player Appreciation Day gift added to your dock– a three pack of 2017 Winterfest Cookies!



Drag the box of Winterfest Cookies into your pet’s room to open it. Once it’s opened, your cookies will appear in your Dock. Drag and drop a Winterfest cookie onto your Webkinz to feed your pet. Each time you do, you’ll have a chance to win a prize from a prize pool that includes the 2017 Grand Prize: the Snow Fort Slide!


As Mayor I look forward to working hard for the citizens of Kinzville. I will be sharing changes and updates to Webkinz World on release dates, and I will keep you posted on future Player Appreciation Days featuring more awesome eStore prizes!



Mayor Sophie Stockwell

41 Responses to Happy New Year From Your New Mayor!

  1. duckess1 says:

    The foods from Dr. Quack tonic has not worked for me since the beginning. Is there something special you must do to get the pet to eat it? Should it work if all you need is hunger or does everything have to low? What a waste of farm vegetables to make this food if it does not work. I have not seen any updates or good instructions for this problem. Can you help? Thank you! So happy you are the new mayor.

  2. Lola1610 says:

    Thank you for this wonderful gift. I can’t wait. :)

  3. Ashley234smilly says:

    Why can’t we get a 2019 Winterfest cookies?

  4. megamom12 says:

    Well, this is a good way to kick off the New Year!

  5. gingergenie2 says:

    Yes, I love this gift. Thank you.

  6. SugarP says:

    Wait, why does it say 2017?

  7. ottercrazy says:

    I have logged in twice and have not got the three pack of 2017 Winterfest Cookies!

  8. Pokemom says:

    Thank you for this generous gift! 2019 is off to a great start! :D

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