Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


Hello Kinzville! It’s St. Patrick’s Day and I’m here to talk about what’s happening in Webkinz World!



Log in to Webkinz World or with the Webkinz mobile app (available in the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store) TODAY, Thursday, March 17th, to get your 2016 St. Patrick’s Day Gift Box! Inside you’ll find a Lucky Racing Suit, A Lucky Racing Helmet, and a Green Chocolate Covered Jelly Coin!





The Leprechaun Chase ends TODAY! Find the Leprechaun in the Clubhouse and click him to collect Jelly Coins! Once you’ve collected all 6 you’ll win this year’s grand prize: a Lucky Go Kart!



Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! I hope it’s a lucky one!


Mayor of Kinzville


83 Responses to Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  1. 90skidzrule says:

    Awesome prizes this year! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  2. ilovemoonie says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s day! I hope everyone has a wonderful day! :D

  3. NMKID4527 says:

    Woohoo!!!! Happy St. Patrick’s day everyone! Go green! (This is the only time you can say “go green” randomly because the theme for today is green. And, of course, we want to keep those clovers around by going green, right???)

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      Hehe, that’s kind of funny, NMKID! And true. Go green xD Oh, that reminds me! I should probably dress my St. Patrick’s Day pets in green today, hehe. Oh, and happy St. Patrick’s Day to you as well! I hope you have a very great and lucky day :D

  4. harevister1 says:

    Yeah, Happy St. Patties Day everyone! March has been such a wonderful month for fun and games on WW. Thank You.

  5. rockhop7 says:

    I only just now found him on my main account only to see that I can click on him every 5 hours. Never will be able to finish…last day should be every hour not 5.

  6. rockhop7 says:

    Very disappointed in Look for the Leprechaun this year. Very hard to get him to appear in any room I tried. So far for 5 accounts I found him a total of 3 times. None of our accounts will be able to get all the coins for the prize this year. These activities were like this a while back but then they were adjusted so the character shows up quickly but not this one. I’m sad for all the players who have very limited time to play Webkinz. Waiting for so long for him to not show up means less time to try on another account…still trying to find him but will have to stop very soon.

    • gemrysforest says:

      I think I’ll manage to get all mine done, but barely. My last coins have to be collected at late tonight, so if he takes unto eternity to show, I still might miss out, and that’s with getting up this early (which is the middle of the night for me) to start. I was really disappointed last year when the collect window didn’t narrow as the event went on (it used to, making it easier to finish last minute.) I see this year that’s the same, and FIVE hours, really? It was hard enough when it was only three. The leprechaun hunt is always skewed towards being one of the most frustrating events of the year. The ghost used to be as bad but they finally made it easier; here’s hoping one day someone at ganz understands time limits, restrictions, and real life.

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      Same here, rockhop7. The past couple years were so much easier. Most of the time I would go in a room and he would already be there. This year I couldn’t find the Leprauchan at all. =/ I stopped searching after the first couple days..

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      I agree, I’m an adult player with a very full life & I usually don’t manage to finish the Leprechaun Chase. I’ve finished it two years out of all the times they’ve run it & I’m not going to be able to make it thru this year, again. Oh well, opportunities lost…

    • bear10201 says:

      I found him in just four days by doubling up finding him on two of the days. Not sure why others are having such a hard time finding him??

      • ilovemoonie says:

        Hmmm, I’ve been finding the leprechaun pretty quickly this year. I finished my collection yesterday by finding him once each day. Half the time I went to the trading room and just traded till he came, which usually wasn’t any longer than 15 minutes. But I understand that lots of people don’t have much time to go on webkinz. I usually have quite a bit of time to go on since I’m homeschooled, but I know that lots of people are very busy and don’t have much time to look for the leprechaun. I found that he seems to come very quickly in the reading room, at least for me and my sister. The longest I had to wait for him in there was a little over 5 minutes.

        • gemrysforest says:

          I’ve had to wait 15-20 minutes or more several times a day during this year’s event. I’d have a stretch where I’d go in and get him in just a few minutes on a couple accounts, then get bogged down on the ones I’ve had to wait so long on. I drop the tab and do other things on my computer (but that’s limited because I have to have the sound on for this) but then if I’m not careful on the long stretches, the account will actually log out on me because it takes so dang long! Which is really annoying. I used to search only in the reading room (where I had pretty much the same results, sometimes quick, sometimes endless waiting) but he hides behind bookcases in there sometimes and in waiting for him to come out, too often he’d just get away and I’d have to wait for him again. I’ve used the Upbeat Chic room this year — no hiding, and no games or anything for people to ask to play.

    • MEG_WEBKINZ says:

      I’m with you. I used to really enjoy looking for the leprechaun, but now it’s more of a chore. I think I spent a total of 90 mins looking for him this year and only got three of the coins. 5 hours is way too much time to wait. I barely finished it last year, but I was a lot more motivated to look cause I really wanted the window. Hopefully next year is different. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed St. Patrick’s Day this year, thanks Ganz!!! <3

  7. kbk100 says:

    How cute! Thank you so much! :)

  8. Pokekinz says:

    But no matching shoes. :\

  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! :D

  10. beaubo says:

    Thank you very much, so excited to drive around! love it

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