Happy Valentine’s Day!



Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day full of fun and friendship.


Today, February 14, is jam-packed with fun on Webkinz.com! Log in to get your special Valentine’s Day gift, spin the Super Wheel for a chance to win a great prize, complete your Chocolate Collection with Cinnamon Hamster’s help, and work on your Valentine Collection, which ends February 29!


And if you still want to print out any last minute Webkinz valentines, you can find them here.


Have a blast hanging out with friends and eating TONS of chocolate!


Your friend,


Mayor of Kinzville


70 Responses to Happy Valentine’s Day!

  1. beaubo says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you for all the wonderful gifts.

  2. sosafrosa says:

    Happy Valentines Everyone!!!!!!!!!

  3. Pokemom says:

    Thank you Ganz/Webkinz for all the fun and goodies this Valentine’s season, you really outdid yourselves! Much appreciated! Loads of love to the Webkinz community! :D

  4. kbk100 says:

    Happy Valentines Day! :)

  5. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    I forgot to print out Webkinz Valentines and hang them in my school, darn! I’m also one short on the chocolate collection, that sucks. This is unrelated but can we have another election this fall? It would go great with the presidential election and it makes sense that the mayor of Kinzville would be a 2-year term. I nominate Stoogles B) Salley’s pretty cool too though and she’s more of a leader. I miss those stories you used to do about the Kinzcrew, they were fun to follow.

  6. winterwarriorwolf says:

    Thank you, Ganz!! Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Enjoy the day!!!

  7. mahala01 says:

    Happy Valentines Day!!! Question: Why is the Valentine’s Badge not working? I have sent several kinzposts and I still do not see the badge on my page. Please help.

  8. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!!! :D thanks so much for being awesome friends on here! I’m so glad to be a part of the amazing Webkinz world and webkinz Newz community!!! ;D

    • RosyFox says:

      Happy Valentine’s Day! Everyone is so nice and funny here on WK, you guys are all the coolest friends ever! I’m so glad to be part of Webkinz World and Webkinz Newz, too, TaffyKitty! I hope that everyone has a lovely day spending time with your families, since today is all about celebrating love and how thankful we are to have each other. To all my friends here on Webkinz Newz: have a Valentine’s Day full of blessings and you guys are great! :D

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        That was a great comment, RosyFox! I agree with everything you said! I’m so glad to be a part of this wonderful webkinz community! I’ve never met so many nice people! A lot of sites nowadays have bullying and stuff going on, but I love how kind everyone is on here! And I’ve also had a great day spending time with friends and family! Valentine’s Day truly has a great meaning ;)

        • RosyFox says:

          Thank you, TaffyKitty! Everyone here is so nice, and it’s great that there isn’t any bullying or rude people. I had a great day yesterday, and I hope all you guys did, too!

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            You’re welcome! And yeah, I love how nice the webkinz Newz community is! :D and its great to hear that you had a great Valentine’s Day! I did, too :)

    • FennecFox says:

      Yes, me too! Everyone is so welcoming and nice. Taffy, you are an awesome friend! ;)

    • WingsOfFreedom says:

      Happy Valentine’s day, my wonderful, amazing, awesome, and KEWL friends!!!!!! I hope you all have an awesome day and eat lots of chocolate! Thank you for being such incredible friends to me. To all those who I’m friends with on here, I sent you a gift to thank you, but Fennec and Taffy, it said that your mailboxes were full so i couldn’t send you one! :( Anyway, you guys are all awesome and I love every second I spend on here and on webkinz. And thankd for all the free codes you’ve given us, webkinz!

  9. FennecFox says:

    Alright! This is the day we have been waiting for: a day of chocolate, hearts, fun, and total WEBKINZ! :D

  10. FennecFox says:


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