The Haunted Castle, this year’s brand new Halloween room theme, is now available in the W-Shop for a limited time only! You’ll want to grab this theme before it vanishes midnight, October 31st, because you never know what will be returning next Halloween… and what will be gone for good! Fans of the Freaky Forest, last year’s Halloween theme, will be pleased to know that it’s returning for the month of October. Here’s the twist… It’s only available in the W-Shop on the Webkinz mobile app. You’ll find it in the Mobile Zone section of the shop.
Remember, both themes will be retired midnight, October 31st, so make sure you grab everything you need before they’re gone. Download the Webkinz mobile app to shop, decorate your pet’s rooms, play games, dress and feed your pets on the go! Also, check out the Mobile Zone section of the W-Shop on Webkinz Mobile for items that you won’t find anywhere else! The Webkinz Mobile app is available for FREE on iTunes* … and on the Google Play Store** Happy Halloween from all your furry friends in Webkinz World!
Haunted Castle Theme AVAILABLE NOW!
61 Responses to Haunted Castle Theme AVAILABLE NOW!
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I have the webkinz mobile app and I don’t see all of the freaky forest items that they show here on this page like the waterfall and the tree house bed , how do you get these items?
Those items are only available to Deluxe members. On mobile, if you aren’t Deluxe, the items won’t appear at all.
Hi Webkinz, I am a Deluxe member, and I do not see the Freaky Forest Cave or the Creepy Coffin Fridge in the Mobile W-Shop. Can you please make the two items available like the picture shows?
Hi kramos04, I was wondering if you could buy be a hunted throne, a fireplace and a two bookshelves too. My username is: snowbellsmommy. And thank you!
Hi snowbellsmommy, if you like I can send you these items. Just friend me. Username is Ajoy65
Thank you for the gifts!
Your welcome! I hope you have a wonderful Halloween and you enjoy your gifts!
Hi snowbellsmommy! I am sorry but I can only send 3 items in the mail, which 3 out of the 4 would you like?
Hi kramos04! The haunted throne, the fireplace, and the bookshelf are just fine. I won’t be able to thank you enough!
Thank you! I will get that to you! Thanks!
Hi gendom, so sorry for any inconveniences with not getting the items to you, I have not had time to get on the computer lately :( so sorry…will for sure send it to you Monday… So sorry for any inconveniences…
It is okay, take your time!
HI gendom, can you friend request me so i can get you the items? Thanks!
Love this room theme! Only thing is everything is so darn expensive! It is $400 and up! It really stinks! Anyway, if anyone that is not deluxe and wants some of the haunted castle stuff, my username is kramos04…Under my post you can also tell me what you would like! Thanks y’all!
ty user name bright1234 haunted throne haunted fireplace and haunted bookshelf
Thanks bright1234 for your “order!” lol! If you ever need anything that is deluxe between now and nov. 6th, just ask me on the latest post! Thank you and hope you enjoy your gifts!-kramos04
Hi kramos04! I will take the haunted throne, fireplace and two haunted bookshelves, my user name is 1mitzy. Thanks so much!
Sorry, my comment went above your post.
Hi 1mitzy! I can only send up to 3 items in the mail, which 3 items would you like?
Hi kramos04! Sorry for the confusion, the haunted throne, fireplace and bookshelf is fine! Once again thank you so much your are so gorgeous!
Sorry I ment to type generous enstead of gorgeous :)
Hi 1mitzy! Hope you enjoy your gifts!
Hi kramos04 – I would like the haunted fireplace and two haunted bookshelves if that is not too much to ask. I appreciate it. My username is Mila14.
Mila14, I may get it to you tomorrow…I have been so busy I have not been able to get on the computer :( So sorry for any inconveniences…I will get it for you for sure Monday…so sorry
That’s okay. Whenever you have time. It is so nice of you to offer.
Hi Mila! Hope you enjoy your gifts!
Thanks kramos04 for the bookshelves and the fireplace. They’re awesome! If there is anything you would like from the Peek a Newz prizes or anything else, I would be happy to send it to you. I don’t have a lot of unique prizes, just mainly from the Peek a Newz. Thanks again.
Thank you for the offer! No prob! I love that I was able to make you feel happy! Happy Halloween!
webkinz04, You are very generous and thoughtful to do this for your friends! I hope your new friends appreciate your gifts! >{^;^}<