Haunted Hotel Flooring, Service Cart and Bed

Would you like to build the ultimate Haunted Hotel this Halloween? Look for the Haunted Hotel Bed, Haunted Hotel Flooring and Haunted Hotel Service Cart now available at ganzestore.com. You can also find them in the NEW & PROMOS section of the W-Shop.



If you complete the Halloween Challenge you can win the Haunted Hotel Wallpaper, Haunted Hotel Lobby Desk and the Haunted Hotel Elevator that takes your room to another level!



So what are you waiting for? Start building your Haunted Hotel today!

23 Responses to Haunted Hotel Flooring, Service Cart and Bed

  1. GAIL123KINZ says:

    i love it

  2. Gbulldog9 says:

    i really want the bed

  3. 1955tiny says:


    • cowtown2 says:

      you mean that walmart sales webkinz on line well I hope so I founds some at the dollar tree I bought one of each I about fainted thanks I will look please brink webkinz stuff back I found cards at the dollar tree two why won’t store carry stuff anymore what is wrong with them

  4. mowhawkpuppy6045 says:

    i am going to make my haunted room right now

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