Head to the Hamster Hamlet!

Not only is there a new MAZIN’ Hamster in town (Meadow), but there are also four new level 10 prizes to be won from the Hamster Challenges! If you’re a MAZIN’ Hamster fan, now’s the time to head over to the Hamlet – and get ready to get your paws on four unique new items!

26 Responses to Head to the Hamster Hamlet!

  1. Molly says:

    I love hamster hamlet.

  2. FatCatSam says:

    I have played to level 10 everyday since the posting (15th, 16th & 17th) and haven’t seen anything new in the way of prizes. Same old trophy stands…..hmmmmmm did something go wrong? I always play in the meadow not the castle. Are the new prizes in the castle area? Hope someone can update us! Thank you.

  3. Jamie says:

    I am confused. how do you get to different levels? can someone please explain it to me? I have a mazin’ hamster

  4. babyghost51 says:

    can you fix mind, it dont work so i cant get any new prizes , couldnt get none of the cakes now cant get the prize , got 4 hamster but only two are in because if you dont get it fix i will sell the other ones very un happy deluxe member

  5. mzricke says:

    The new prizes are not in the Hanster Hamlet Challenges. Any idea when they will be there?

  6. BatRulz says:

    Um…I played one of the challenges..and there are no new items…is anyone getting something new? or just the trophies?

  7. DianaM314 says:

    i want a mazin hamster so bad because my friend has one.on webkins world i have no idea how is Ruity Tooty Fruity is. It could be one of my friends.Hmmmm………

  8. Mandy says:

    I wish I didn’t get logged out while I am playing! I haven’t been able to complete level 10 in ages because of the automatic logouts (which happens within about 20 minutes after login for me). I hope they offer the old and new prizes in the Mazin’ Mall, because that is the only way I will be able to get them, unless they fix the random logout problem.

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