If a friend sent you a Helping Paws Club Code, please enter it here.
Please do not enter pet Adoption Codes in the Helping Paws Club code field–they will not work.
Accounts created with a Helping Paws Club code will receive a BONUS of 2000 KinzCash.
My friend created an account using my Helping Paw Code. It is: FHJ20R
The code I was given for helping paws is: 31DK4R from a friend when I started my account. I went from free account to adopting a pet.
How do I enter a helping paws code I was given? There’s no place to do so in My Pets.
hi I would love helping paws friends. my code is B35135
Mine is 2TFWMR Thank you in advance guys!
KQBRG5 this is mine