How Important is Family Score to you?



We want to hear your thoughts on Family Score in Webkinz Next! Next time you log into Webkinz Next, if you haven’t already, please take a moment to complete our pop-up survey.
We’d also love to hear your thoughts about Family Score in the comments below!  Your feedback is so important to us and helps us make decisions about the game!
And watch Webkinz Newz for exciting info about Family Score prizes!



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46 Responses to How Important is Family Score to you?

  1. raysgirl says:

    Not that important, because, I have been maxed out on Classic for years, I have been maxed out on Next for a while. The arcade achievements to the left of the door, I have been awarded all of them. Next is more costly than Classic, and if things keep going the way they are and we have to cut more out to be able to get the basic items you need to survive, I feel Next would be first to go.

  2. sonicblue says:

    it’s important as long as there was prizes to be won.

  3. bunnybell says:

    I don’t play Webkinz Next, but I love Webkinz Classic and I try to boost my family score for the cool prizes!

  4. sweetiepiesix says:

    I fill all of my pets’ hearts each day. It is something to do. And of course I love prizes, wish there were more.

  5. Rareone says:

    As far as the score, I don’t care about it, but like most I like getting prizes for achieving the scores. Whatever mine or someone’s family score is makes no difference as some people try to increase it, and some don’t, so it really means nothing, other than another way to win prizes.

  6. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Very Important…hehe

  7. qrax says:

    Increasing my family score just as an action is pretty fulfilling, but I’m definitely looking forward to more prizes though! I also think it would be a great incentive to keep increasing your score if diamonds were offered at various points

  8. gingerdare says:

    For Classic I wish the prizes were easier to get or you could “start over” and re-earn prizes. As for Next, I can’t really say I care too much. Free prizes are nice but that’s the only thing.

  9. KarenaJ says:


  10. boogieshoogiebear says:

    it would be more important to me if there were more prizes. it’s so easy to get to the max prize and then there’s nothing left. even if you added filler tiers that gave kinzcash and diamonds since making several unique items can take a while i just really want to see more prizes. i know you guys are adding more in the future i hope that’s soon :)

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