How Many Polar Bear Cub Plushies? Winners Announced!

Update: How many Polar Bear Cub Plushies did YOU find? There were 22! See the solution above!


Congratulations to the 10 winners who gave the correct answers and were entered into our random draw!




Winners, look for a message at the email address associated with your GanzWorld account by end of day, Wednesday, January 6, 2021.


With the new Polarberry Bear arriving in Webkinz Classic, and the beautiful Winter Polar theme now at Ganz eStore, there is a Polar craze sweeping Webkinz World! To celebrate, we will be giving away 10 Polarberry Cars to 10 lucky winners!

Here’s how to enter. Count the number of Polar Bear Club Plushies you can see in the room above and put your answer in the comments below between December 30 and January 4, 2021. If your answer is correct, you will be entered into a random draw for one of ten adorable Polarberry Cars!

Look very carefully! Those little plushies can be hard to spot!

878 Responses to How Many Polar Bear Cub Plushies? Winners Announced!

  1. Biaty says:

    22 :) that was fun!

  2. BH1464 says:

    After several counts, I come up with 21 Polar Bear Cub Plushies

  3. GoGanz24 says:

    I counted 22 of them.

  4. zayac says:

    22! not sure if i had entered this already or not(cant find my older comment)

  5. cottencandyminion says:

    I see 21! What an awesome room!!!

  6. wildekittie says:

    poohmommy says 22

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