How’s Your Season Going?



Phew! That Week 2 season task was a doozy!  What do you find the hardest class to score an A in?



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21 Responses to How’s Your Season Going?

  1. kalcan8 says:

    First, I just have to say that the otter above is “otterly” adorable! Second, for me in Next, it’s the music class on hard level, hands down. I’ve gotten some of the worst grades in my LIFE in this class! LOL! I don’t have any music training, so there is no reference for each note. If the keys were lettered, or color coded or something, I could remember the pattern. But for now, I struggle. I agree with what other players are saying that some of the pop quiz questions are so random and difficult that all you can do is sit back and laugh. I love when you throw in the occasional question where all of the answer choices are ridiculous except the correct answer, and then I really do laugh and make my family wonder what I’m up to!

  2. leaveitnow41s says:

    Speed class on hard and music on hard are the most difficult. I haven’t failed though

  3. cr2w says:

    The treadmill is the hardest for me on NEXT, but on CLASSIC one of the easiest. Opposite for Strength -hard on CLASSIC, but easy on NEXT.

  4. bright1234 says:

    The piano on hard is my most difficult

  5. SamDean says:

    Music on hard level (sometimes I just hit a wrong note on purpose to put me out of my misery) and treadmill on hard level. My poor pet is either going too slow or too fast to stay anywhere in the range.

    • kalcan8 says:

      Thank you! I am so glad that I am not the only one who figures why bother giving 100% to the music class on hard level when I will probably only get a “C” anyway. The speed class on hard level in Next hurts my arm as I desperately work to keep the meter in range. If the speed stays high, I can’t get an “A” as I can’t keep it in that range long enough.

      • crystalfawns53 says:

        I really dislike the music on hard level too, but I just don’t like the music class in general. I just usually exit out of the music class on purpose on medium and hard difficulty and take the “F” in the class just so I can move on. I just wish that we could choose what classes that we did before the pop quiz so it would be easier to finish missions up. I just don’t think I’ll ever like the music class on Next, but the other classes are easier for me to do. The speed class on hard is difficult to do, but I found that if I put it on a half tab on my computer that it actually makes it much easier for me to do the class since while the speed bar is smaller, it moves a lot less frequently.

      • SamDean says:

        Definitely not just you! I feel your pain…

  6. Boneleg says:

    The spelling class is the hardest on all levels! Ugh!

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      But I think that spelling is unnecessarily difficult on the easy mode since it is harder in my opinion to guess it on easy mode than on hard mode.

  7. grandmaback says:

    My senior hubby and I share the classes depending on our capabilities. Art is the most difficult on all levels unless you had a picture of all the possibilities, Easy spelling is next because there are too many choices for the spaces given, 3rd for us is match the words on easy and hard because the time is short. The pop quiz is fun but even with our combind knowledge of over 75 years we sometimes don’t know the answers. The academy is fun for us but must be very frustrating for the younger generation.

    • ArcanineEspeon says:

      That’s interesting that you say that. I am a young adult who started playing Webkinz as a child in the target age range. I had no problem getting this achievement in 3 days, but I do agree the range of difficulty is odd. I find matching the words to be more than doable every time. I can almost always pass Wordle, but sometimes I fail especially on 4 letters because 5 guesses is sometimes not enough. It’s not as easy as it looks because with only 4 letters, you can rule out fewer options each turn. Creativity is really hard to do perfectly, but I find that making my best guess almost always nets me an A- or better. The trickiest thing is that the splatter patterns and paint sizes do not correspond perfectly to Webkinz Classic. For example on Webkinz Classic a 3 is symmetrically wavy, but on Next a 3 is still a little squiggly. Often I will guess, say, 8, and not know if the correct answer was 9 or 10, but I will get a good score anyway.

    • ArcanineEspeon says:

      The part where I fully agree with you is the pop quiz. Sometimes my partner watches me do it, and we both get a kick out of the gigantic range of questions. They range from things any child able to read would know all the way to things high school graduates don’t know (can confirm; am HS grad). At least on Classic, most questions were grouped by age, so even though I thought a lot of the questions were too easy for the age range I mostly knew what to expect. The pop quiz is the one place where I often get less than an A, but mostly I just find it funny.

    • ArcanineEspeon says:

      you know, the place in Webkinz where I have the most thoughts of “I am an adult; why is this so hard?” is on Classic at the Employment Office. I find the Hard jobs the most fun, yet I often do poorly. Why do I so often lose at trying to fit all the boxes in an area bigger than 4×4? Am I just bad at it? Is there not enough time? And on box stacking, I’m pretty sure the numbers are random, so if you are unlucky, sometimes they just don’t add up in time. One time on Grocery Store, I lost because I had to sit there for like a minute while none of the foods I needed came by on the conveyor belt. But that was only a one time problem. My least favorite job is by far Babysitting because the babies’ hit box sizes are just nuts. Especially the two on the left. It’s almost impossible to give something to the second baby on the left because even if I get it in the middle perfectly, I swear the baby on the left ALWAYS takes it, and then they don’t like it and they cry. It’s also somewhat of a problem for the other four. Not to mention, you lose double points for both being too slow and giving the wrong item if you give something to a baby 3 frames after they want it. And I don’t want them to cry. If I had to do it for 1+ hours it would be way, way more stressful than being a babysitter irl. Huh, there was something oddly satisfying about writing that 3 paragraph essay on Webkinz minigames. Hopefully I will come back to this thread again to read what happens, but maybe not.

      • kalcan8 says:

        Hi ArcanineEspeon! I’m glad that you said something. On Classic, I avoid certain jobs (like the moving job) because I am really bad at them. Why can’t I make the boxes fit?!? I can’t seem to get out of the beginner level and stay there, let alone get up to the advanced level where you get paid the big bucks. On the box stacking job, when Tabby says, “Congratulations! You are getting really good at your job. You are going to move up a level and get paid more. Awesome!”, I literally shout, “NO!” I don’t want to move up. It’s scary up there. I prefer to stay with my little numbers down here in the mail room forever. LOL!

        • kalcan8 says:

          Oh, and the babysitting job is insane! The job turnover rate irl would be ridiculous if the stress level was that high for an extended period of time.

    • kalcan8 says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion! I have commented before that although I love the letter tiles game (Wordle), the “Easy” level is super difficult because you don’t get enough chances to eliminate letters. I play this game on an app and solve 5 letter words in 5 guesses or less all of the time and it’s fun for me. The easy level in the KVA on Next, not so much. I remember one time, I was on my last guess and the only letter I had found was an “E”, and that wasn’t even in the correct spot! What am I supposed to do with that?!? Maybe the Ganz crew will see our comments and make some adjustments so the “Easy” level can actually be easy. Sometimes on the pop quiz, I shout out the question and choices to get my whole family involved. Many brains can sometimes be better than one!

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