Icy Mist Leopard

That chilly breeze you’re feeling is because you’ve just discovered the awesome Icy Mist Leopard! If cool fridges give you goosebumps, there’s none cooler than the Glacier Mist Fridge! Just make sure it’s stocked with lots of this Leopard’s favorite food; a Polarberry Float!

74 Responses to Icy Mist Leopard

  1. tigerfairy9 says:

    He’s so cute!!!!!! :)

  2. kambri says:

    i love this animal i want it so bad

  3. webkinz user says:

    I love leopards,so i,ll love this one!!!

  4. LOLA says:

    I <3 leopards and this pet makes me <3 it even more!!!!! I want it it soooo bad have to mention this to familyfor a holiday gift!!!!!:)

  5. emily . says:

    I want it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rite now .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please . ? !!!!!!! .now .

  6. anya says:

    i love this pet i cant wait till they sell it on amazon its soooooooooooooooooooooo cute

  7. Rin says:

    That is adorable! I want that pet!

  8. catie00 says:

    I have the pink one and it needs a playmate.

  9. cathouse2 says:

    This pet is very cool! It’s so on my Christmas list! >>cathouse2

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