Icy Mist Leopard

That chilly breeze you’re feeling is because you’ve just discovered the awesome Icy Mist Leopard! If cool fridges give you goosebumps, there’s none cooler than the Glacier Mist Fridge! Just make sure it’s stocked with lots of this Leopard’s favorite food; a Polarberry Float!

74 Responses to Icy Mist Leopard

  1. Kittenlover says:

    It’s so cute! I really would like it!

  2. CHICK327 says:

    I WANT IT SO MUCH!!!!!

  3. pingto says:

    OMG i so need this webkiz :D

  4. mckenna says:

    they it is a must have pet i’m putting it on wishlist for sure

  5. sabrina says:

    i have the ice mist leoperd its so cute and sparkely love it

  6. truebrook114 says:

    So AWSOME I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!

  7. TMaree says:

    I also MUST have this pet it is sooo cute ;)

  8. Lydia says:

    Awww! He’s so cute! I think I’m going to get him for Christmas! Do you think I should make the Tiger a he or a she?

  9. meep says:

    It’s Strawberry Cloud leopard’s newly discovered sister ;D They should have similar names like Raspberry and Blue Raspberry. Or at least that’s what I think.

  10. ajraritydadh123 says:

    Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really really really want the Icy Mist Leopard SO VERY BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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