Important Announcement From Alyssa!

This just in, helpful detectives! Nafaria, Queen of the Bad Fairies, has been up to her old tricks again! On Saturday and Sunday, she gave two false clues for Chef Gazpacho’s recipes. But never fear, because  I’m here to save the day! Saturday’s clues were for white rice, cookies and the third one SHOULD have been toaster pastry! And on Sunday, she got crafty and substituted pancakes for croissants! Good luck with the rest of the recipes, dear readers. Nafaria is under control!

228 Responses to Important Announcement From Alyssa!

  1. chinesemimi says:

    1.Canoopaddarole= Asparagus+Tacos+ Fishsticks (stove/oven)
    2.Pokeydokees= Artichoke+Durrian+Rassberries ( sandwich maker)
    3.Voillatte= Crossant + Grapes+ Cheese (blender)
    4. Pastel Rilladilows= White Rice+ Toaster Pasteries+ Cookies (stove/oven)
    5.Striped Mellow Mallow= Lemon Meringue+ Pickles+ Jelly ( blender)
    6. Fire& Water Sandwich= Dragon Fruit+ Watermelon+Bread (sandwich maker)
    (P.S. theese might not be spelled correctly, or in order)

  2. sydnirella says:

    i can’t find cheese at wshop

  3. chinesemimi says:

    4. Pastel Rilladilows
    5.Striped Mellow Mallow
    6. Fire& Water Sandwitch
    (p.s. theese might not be spelled correctly, or in order)

  4. ShyKid1 says:

    I’m really happy. Thanks you very much Alyssa.

  5. larzy says:

    Day 1: Canoopadderole=tacos,asparagus,fish sticks on STOVE
    Day 2:Pokey Dokeys=artichoke,raspberries,durian in SANDWICH MAKER
    Day3:Pastel Rilladilllows=rice,cookies,toaster pastry on STOVE
    Day 4:Violalatte=grapes,cheese,croissant in BLENDER
    Day 5:Striped MellowMallow=pickles, lemon pie, jelly in BLENDER
    Day 6:Fire & Water Sandwich=dragonfruit, watermelon, bread in SANDWICH MAKER
    pass it on so others can have a chance to win too; have fun cooking all.

    • Shire94 says:

      You are absolutely RIGHT!!!! Thank You!! :D

    • mamakins says:

      I spent a lot of time logged on to Webkinz Newz trying to find all the clues. Now all the recipes are posted for everyone to see and I have a small chance of winning. I don’t think it is fair for people who did not even try to get the clues now have all the answers.

    • selenandemi says:

      Day 1: Canoopadderole=tacos,asparagus,fish sticks on STOVE
      Day 2:Pokey Dokeys=artichoke,raspberries,durian in SANDWICH MAKER
      Day3:Pastel Rilladilllows=rice,cookies,toaster pastry on STOVE
      Day 4:Violalatte=grapes,cheese,croissant in BLENDER
      Day 5:Striped MellowMallow=pickles, lemon pie, jelly in BLENDER
      Day 6:Fire & Water Sandwich=dragonfruit, watermelon, bread in SANDWICH MAKER
      pass it on so others can have a chance to win too; have fun cooking all.


    • Joanna says:

      Thank for telling me the recipes larzy. :)

  6. SnowPeach says:

    You can enter all your info on the 23 of this month here!

  7. baemery says:

    Hello, the foods are:
    1. Canoopaddarole – fish sticks, tacos, & asparagus – stove
    2. Pastel Rilladillow – cookies, toaster pastry, & white rice – stove
    3. Blue Blech – croissants, pizza, & eggs – sandwich maker
    4. Pokey Dokees – durian, raspberries, & artichoke – sandwich maker
    5. Striped Mellowmallow – lemon meringue pie, pickles, & jelly – blender
    6. Fire & Water Sandwich – bread, dragonfruit, & watermelon – sandwich maker
    Hope this helps.
    (P.S. My username is baemery)

  8. pets4pam says:

    How and where do you post the recipes and enter the contest?

  9. KingZilla8 says:

    thank you! :]

  10. slimeycatapiller says:

    PLEASE HELP ME FIND ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I NEED HELP!

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