IMPORTANT: Webkinz Newz Rules & Regulations




Ganz is committed to keeping and its forums a safe place for its users. Each comment, topic and reply is moderated by our team to ensure that our posted rules and regulations are followed. Any of the below can result in a post not being approved and/or a member being banned:



• Sharing your own or asking for another member’s personally identifiable information such as: name, age, phone number, address, city, state or province, e-mail, etc
• Discussing, suggesting or agreeing to meet other members in person
• Sharing Webkinz World or Webkinz Newz account information (ie: password)
• Engaging in any activity that could disclose your or another member’s identity


• Discussing boyfriends/girlfriends
• Discussing alcohol or illicit drugs
• Discussing illegal activities
• Discussing violent acts or topics
• Discussing sexual acts or topics
• Making false claims about being Webkinz World or Webkinz Newz staff (or their relative)
• Discussing other topics deemed unsuitable in Webkinz Newz


• Engaging in any form of bullying or harassment
• Using mean/rude behavior or language
• Using racial or prejudicial slurs
• Making sexist remarks
• Discussing hateful social attitudes
• Mistreating Webkinz World and Webkinz Newz members in any way
• Engaging in actions that could affect other members’ enjoyment


• Making false claims about your personal safety
• Trying to force other members to trade items
• Engaging in spamming
• Abusing the Reporting Tool in any way
• Engaging in any other disruptive behavior


• Running competitions with the offer of a prize
• Discussing profiles on other websites
• Discussing subjects not related to the Forum Topic
• Extremely long posts
• Being overly adversarial to Ganz and/or Webkinz.
• Encouraging readers to visit sites other than Ganz-owned sites.
• Asking members to trade with you via KinzPost. All trading activity should occur in the Trading Rooms. See additional rules for trading.


Thanks and enjoy posting on Webkinz Newz comment sections and Forums.


- The Moderation Team


200 Responses to IMPORTANT: Webkinz Newz Rules & Regulations

  1. PinkPiano says:

    It says no “sharing Webkinz World or Webkinz Newz account information (ie: password)”; does that mean you can’t tell people your Webkinz World username so they can friend you, or just not the password?

  2. broncosrule says:

    Hey Ganz, if someone said, (for example) on a forum that was showing the latest superbed, “I wish I had that!!” and someone else says “I’ve got an extra if you want me to send it to you” would that be okay???? The second person just sends it without wanting anything in return, so it’s not a trade. Thank you for your time!!

    • playnowpuppy says:

      Yeah I agree cause like right now I’m sending a person a Toadstool Grill and fireplace for free just because I want to be nice and I have an extra but does this mean I can’t send it to this person????? ;( and For the trade rule I just want to point out that it’s hard to pick a time to meet someone at the trading room to trade because 1. we could be busy 2. didn’t see their comment in time and 3. we were in different time zones :( I’ve tried but It’s REALLY hard to do that :( I understand that u must do these rules in case someone won’t send an item back but what if I just want to send them an item whithout sending an item back???????? please resopond kinz ;(

  3. True2MyWord1 says:

    Um… okay! I’m sure that no one would post anything to do with these, right? THANK YOU GANZ!!!

  4. Becky71W says:

    Are you trying to get banned or what???

  5. SmoresOfScotland says:

    All good rules, though if someone happens to post that they have wanted a certain item for a long time and someone replies that they have it and are willing to trade it, I see no problem. Also, couldn’t you make rules about cussing? I’ve seen people use swear words before, and I really don’t like seeing or hearing things like that. Thanks, Ganz!

    • Misty900 says:

      I strongly agree, smoresofscotland. They should make a cussing rule AND take away the trading rules. by the way, Ganz, you should make sure someone can make their username or password a swear word, either. And why does it say Latte and Chatter are “Inappropriate” words to name your pet? My best friend was going to name her Mocha Pup Latte, but it wouldn’t allow in, so she had to name him Dunkin instead :| ! I found out Chatter was considered inappropriate when I tested name a free pet animal Chatter, (Just in case I got a chipmunk,) and it’s not allowed :| ! If you go to VBS, you’ll understand why I want to name my chipmunk that name, lol

    • webkinzworld says:

      Hi SmoresOfScotland. Under “DISRESPECTING OTHER MEMBERS” it clearly states “using mean/rude behavior or language” as an action that will not be approved by our moderators and may result in a member who uses that language being banned.

    • Becky71W says:

      They didn’t say trading is off limits, they just advise you do it in the trading room instead of kinz post. That way if you get scammed they are not liable. They are just trying to protect you.

      • Misty900 says:

        I admit, I DID trade through kinzpost once, but with sweetcupcake16, because she is VEEEEEERY trustworthy and sent me the item as soon as she could. Please do not ban me for this. Thanks so much!!

        • sweetcupcake16 says:

          Misty, don’t worry. ;) There’s a post above that says what spamming really is, and you’re fine. Here’s the spamming rule simplified: don’t be overly repetitive, and you’ll be fine. Spammers are people who repeat a topic or post TONS of times( like if they demand e-store points, certain items, etc. )

      • Snowflake Pup Queen says:

        Hopefully you don’t get scammed. If the trading room was how it used to be (been on since 2011 and back then me and my friend did little trades but now thet changed it) and also webkinzworld would it be fine to use the word heck every now and then or is that considered swearing. I do relies that kids are on here, but still (if we can’t we can use the basic words if necessary to type, for example stupid and dumb. If it is in the appropriate form. Such as if I were to say that I had made a dumb mistake.)

        • SmoresOfScotland says:

          ‘Stupid’ and ‘dumb’, I can understand being considered inappropriate, because no matter what you do people would find ways to use it to insult people. Yes, the word you mentioned is a swear word. It is a form of another word… Also, Misty900, I have had that sort of trouble with naming pets, too. Some words I can understand it not allowing if the look or sound like an inappropriate word, but that’s only some. The only thing I can think of for names that don’t seem to have anything wrong with them is that maybe they sound like bad words in other languages, since Webkinz is available to so many areas? Otherwise I have no clue…

          • webkinz244 says:

            like purple and perry my pom pom kitty and my pink dalmation i think “purr” is not allowed

          • TinaKitty24 says:

            Purple is not allowed. I even tried naming a room “The Purple Room” but it would not let me! (-.-)?

          • SophiePatM7777 says:

            IK RIGHT! i tried to name a room after my pet, Alumbi (dont ask lol) and it said like “put a new name” :/ hmmm…

          • Snowflake Pup Queen says:

            A new name *smirks* I wonder if. Nah I wouldn’t

          • EmilyCuteHeart says:

            The same thing happened to me too,TinaKitty24! Icicle us the name of my webkinz googles and it wouldn’t let me name my room “Icicle’s Bedroom”, instead, I had to do “Icicle’s Loving Bedroom”. Why is it like this?can someone help me out here? P.S. what is the maximum for our posts?

          • Snowflake Pup Queen says:

            Well I know but I was curious if once in a blue moon if you could use it. Like if you were a little upset with a glitch. It’s not like saying the other word competely…………….. As long as you don’t call someone dumb or stupid your good (think it but don’t say it is my policy to life) See ya

          • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

            Yup that’s usually what I go by.. You can think things, but you should never say them…. Though honestly you should never think the bad things in the first place. =/

          • 9boogirl says:

            It won’t let me use the word “grotto” either.

  6. Bali_Tiger says:

    Okay! Good to know!

  7. markg97 says:

    Thank for the info Ganz.

    • markg97 says:

      And Not to be Rude, Moderation Team but if I Accidentally put one of those words/subjects into a sentence/form wouldn’t you just stop it from being posted? I know that this is supposed to help us be better online, but still. Again not to be Rude at all. Thank You for all ya’ll do.

      • webkinzworld says:

        Hi markg97. Accidents happen and will not be approved, but we want every Ganzworld user to be aware of the rules. Thank you.

        • KittensMittens says:

          Thank you for the good rules that you make! Can you tell me what “spamming” is? Thank you!

          • webkinzworld says:

            Spamming is repeatedly posting the same text, no matter the topic. A few accidental repeats is understandable, but a spammer will repeat a post MANY times.

          • sweetcupcake16 says:

            got it!

          • Misty900 says:

            I posted a few things with the link for a forum by another member. Does that count a spamming? I’m soooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry if it does. Plz forgive me if it is.

          • KittensMittens says:

            Oh no! I think I have spammed by visiting the Kinzapedia, and ask 4 the oldies back. Please don’t kick me out~ now that I know you can only make 1 comment on a subject, I promise not to do it again!

  8. AwsomeSwagDragonGirl1 says:

    I can guess why you wrote this :( was somebody chatting bad? and I saw someone asking for a pet specific gift in the super wheel chat place. I just joined ganz world and I never said anything wrong…

  9. snowy527 says:

    Hi Ganz…..this is snowy527. Thanks for approving posts on forums faster! However, I would like the forums to be able to appear on the first page of that certain topic so we know that someone replied. My thread is currently is on the sixth page and other people will eventually not want to come and post things. Do you think you can do that? Thanks for your help!

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