Introducing the Grey Langur!









Hi there, readers! I’m the Grey Langur and guess what? I’m January’s Pet of the Month!

Have you ever even heard of a Grey Langur? A lot of people haven’t, you know. We are from a family of Old World Monkeys and we live in South Asia. There are even seven different types of Grey Langur:

- The Nepal Grey Langur

- The Kashmir Grey Langur

- The Tarai Grey Langur

- The Northern Plains Grey Langur

- The Black-footed Grey Langur

- The Southern Plains Grey Langur

- The Tufted Grey Langur

We’re mainly grey and we have really long tails. We’re also amazing climbers and can live in all sorts of different climates. Basically we’re pretty awesome, and if you’ve never heard of us, well, you should.

You know what? I’ll be back to share some more cool facts about Grey Langurs throughout the month. And by the end of January I’ll bet everyone will know what a Grey Langur is!

43 Responses to Introducing the Grey Langur!

  1. AlwaysOnWebkinz says:

    This is getting annoying. The video hasn’t come out yet and the month is almost half over.
    Everyone wants a music video so ganz shouldn’t quit making the videos like they just did.


  2. shem says:

    hello everyone I’m throwing a winter party tomorrow everyone who wants to join please add me. webkinzshem12. please I need some friends so I can create a party. I promise I’ll create more parties when I get many friends. thank you

  3. AMM098 says:

    :) I love it! :D So cute, where’s the video? :) Hahahahahahahahahaha that’s what everyone has been asking, LOL! :lol:

    So cute, anyway, I don’t have it, if I see it I’ll buy it! :P Probably… See ya!


  4. watson1961 says:

    Hello my pet
    Today is funny day whit webkinz

  5. abc123 luv animals says:

    I agree with Peacekeeper I love the videos!!!!!

  6. riverlink31 says:

    Infact, there is!

    Sweet Sam!

  7. lovepuppygirl says:

    I love the videos!!! Please make one!!!!

  8. Su-Z says:

    So where’s the pet of month video?

  9. scotlandd says:

    I don’t want facts, i want pet of the month music videos.

  10. blahblah says:

    im interested to see if the grey langur has a video though.

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