Introducing the NEW KinzPost!


The KinzPost Office has long been a fun and important part of Webkinz World, and now we’re introducing some updates to make it even better!



You can now access the KinzPost from anywhere, without leaving your current location. Just select the KinzPost Office from your Things to Do menu and (just like the WShop) it will appear as a window on top of your current screen.



You can also open the KinzPost Office by using the updated button at the top right of your screen in your pet’s home.



We’ve also combined all of the different KinzPost elements into a single screen. Now your inbox, sending a note, gift, or postcard is just a single tab click away.





The best thing about the new KinzPost Office is that sending notes and gifts are completely FREE! You no longer have to pay any KinzCash when sending notes and gifts to a friend. While sending a note is available to everyone, you will still need at least a Full Membership (by adopting a pet) in order to send a gift. Deluxe Members will also have access to sending postcards, with new scene and stamp options coming soon!



What we have made available to everyone, is the ability to save a copy of any piece of KinzPost mail directly to your photo gallery. Click on the Save button, and just like your pet’s room, you’ll be able to keep a copy on your computer wherever you like.




To help players figure out which items can be sent through KinzPost, you’ll now only see the sendable items appear in an active state while your KinzPost Office window is open. Items that cannot be sent will appear in an inactive (or semi-transparent) state while the KinzPost Office window is open.







Sending notes and mail is easier than ever! There’s no more need to switch between screens for each step. You can choose all of your options from one single screen.



The new and improved KinzPost will also be coming very soon to the Webkinz mobile app, after our next app update! Soon you’ll be able to send and receive all of your Webkinz KinzPost mail while on the go!



We hope you have a marvelous time with your mail in Webkinz World!



What do YOU think of the NEW KinzPost Office? Let us know in the comments below!


163 Responses to Introducing the NEW KinzPost!

  1. thunderpa says:

    I get no drop down menu of my friends at all now. Webkinz then quickly shuts down no matter what computer or internet source I use. Go back to the old until you work this out. I want to send gifts to my family.

  2. 1Emerald1 says:

    As of this morning, Kinzpost will not allow me to choose a friend to send things to. Sigh. LadyBeauty, I hope you read this. I love the note you sent me yesterday with the new paper & stickers! I attempted to send something back but don’t think it went through. Thank you for being so sweet! I will respond to you & all my friends ASAP.

    • LadyBeauty says:

      Dear 1Emerald1, Never fear, the bugs will get worked out and you’ll be able to send notes, etc. to friends soon. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. I hope you have a great week!! ♪♫LadyBeauty♪♫

  3. jen0215 says:

    New way is cute.. But you need to alphabetize the list ASAP. I cannot find any of my friends. Will this be fixed soon?

  4. bear10201 says:

    Thank you for making it free to send things to friends:)

  5. monsterhighrules323 says:

    I like the bird that comes and flies your mail away, but this is the only new fun thing I like. I really wish the names could be alphabetized because it’s VERY difficult to find your friends to send things to. And if you have a lot of friends like me, it’s hard to go slowly to find them–you used to be able to use the arrows to go through them individually but now it goes way too fast and too many at a time and it skips some. I don’t like how I can’t see my money anymore either on the top left. And of course it’s much more complicated! It takes a very long time to get something together to send and the hosts don’t send gifts anymore either:(

  6. AUNT09 says:

    The new kinz post is nice, but….. It will only let me read the first kinz post. The rest of them it won’t let me read. It keeps going back to the first one I open and it won’t delete. If my friends in webkinz don’t hear a reply back from me, that’s why.

    • 1955tiny says:

      LOOK to the right and CLICK THE LETTER ITSELF !! When you log out of mail and go BACK letters you read already will show a lil pen by the letter on the left and BOXES YOU HAVE OPENED will look OPEN at the left. BUT TO READ LETTERS OR OPEN BOXES CLICK the letter or box on the RIGHT ;) . gl

  7. slk says:

    Please let us send more than 3 items. I echo the sentiments about alphabetizing the friend list please, and I’d love the read mail separated from the unread.

    • kittymade10 says:

      The reason they don’t just do that is because then they can take a lot of items (Or all) from your dock if they hacked you. They tried to prevent the hackings but if it ever happens they can’t take more than three items a day which will give them enough time to song what’s going on with your account.

  8. anon55 says:

    Sorry, it is NOT more amazing. It’s just more annoying, like all the webkinz x “new” and un-improved stuff.

  9. itmustbenice says:

    The old one was far less complicated. I can’t figure out how to open ones sent to me.

  10. MACS1 says:

    The updated features are creative and helpful. I am excited to use the new post office but I am also conflicted. These new ideas, designs, features, etc. are welcomed and keep me interested in Webkinz BUT. . . . There are still so many fixes needed (even though Nuts and Bolts have been hard at work) that I find it difficult to continue being excited. I think I’d be happier to see fewer new things and more fixes. I’ve been stuck in the Adventure Park (rooms are empty with nothing to dig to move to the next level) since the initial launch. I am deluxe but do not receive new adventures and can not play unless I buy one. I’m still waiting for many of my specialty items to work as they once did. The new is interesting but my current list of items needing fixes is still very long. Still, I appreciate your work and am practicing being patient!

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      I had the same problem with the Adventure Park last summer. I emailed the company at and they did fix the issue for me. I suggest you try this. As for the things that still aren’t fixed, fixing things doesn’t bring in new revenue, so it will never be their top priority as they have to stay in business, right? However they are on a schedule with the fixes & are making slow progress. After using the New Kinzpost for a couple of days, I really wish they’d left it alone. The lack of alphabetical listing has rendered it almost unusable for people with a long friends list like mine. Friends, I have not forgotten you & will answer all mail as soon as I can find you!

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