Introducing… Webkinz Trendz!

Recently, on Podkinz #85, Michael and I read out a comment from Orangewing2020. Orangewing2020 suggested we start up a new fashion video series along the same lines as room designs, and they even suggested a name.


We love this idea – and we love the name too! So we are pleased to announce our new video series, ‘Webkinz Trendz’!


We want you to send us screenshots of your pets dressed in the ‘Dress Your Pet’ window wearing your most stylish ensembles. We will select some of our favorite outfits and showcase them in a series of videos. You can send your screenshots to:

IMPORTANT: Please include a username when you send in your images.


To demonstrate, here are some screenshots of Michael and me. This is how we like to dress when we are not hard at work on Webkinz Newz!



91 Responses to Introducing… Webkinz Trendz!

  1. Beckinz8 says:

    What a great idea – both orangewing2020 for thinking it up, and the Webkinz team for deciding to use it! I look forward to seeing the first video! I’m more into furniture and room designs, and I absolutely LOVE the room design videos (I am always eager for the next one!), but now with webkinztrendz starting up, it will probably encourage me to take a greater interest in fashion!

  2. pedagent says:

    What an awesome idea! And what fun outfits! Thanks for inspiring this, orangewing!

  3. EmeraldCity says:

    Another great addition to showcasing and being able to share our collections! Thank you Orangewing2020 for this great suggestion!

  4. EmeraldCity says:

    Yes!!! :D

  5. Itswebkinztime says:

    I love this! I’m going to be sending in a lot of my webkinz’ outfits!

  6. MidnightFireflies17 says:

    Really awesome idea Orangewing2020! I will have to send in some of my favorite webkinz outfits :)

  7. monkeyfun15 says:

    Great idea!

  8. ilovemoonie says:

    Wow, this is pretty cool! :D I look forward to seeing the different outfits people send in! That was a great idea, orangewing2020, and congrats on having Ganz use it! I’ll be keeping a lookout for the first video in this new series! :)

  9. twinners1 says:

    Awesome! I think I have some good beach outfits not with swimsuits.

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Wow, this looks pretty awesome!! :D Congrats to orangewing2020 on having their idea turn into a series, that’s pretty awesome, I’d say!! I think I might have to send in some photos of my favorite Webkinz outfits soon! ;)

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