It’s as Easy as Pie…

Tell me, who doesn’t love pie? Oh, there are SO many flavors to choose from! Apple, peach, raspberry, lemon meringue…and pickle. Ah, pickle pie. My favorite.

138 Responses to It’s as Easy as Pie…

  1. larzy says:

    Pass on the recipes to others Day 1:Canoopadderole
    Day2: Pokey Dokeys
    Day3: Symphoscone
    Day4:Either Bean Burrito or Bouncaleafuls (I lean toward Bouncaleafuls, but today used jelly too)
    Day5:Striped Mellow Mallow

  2. Cindy says:

    What is the third and fourth recipe please?

  3. Rebekah says:

    That’s it! Striped Mellowmallow! It consists of: Pickles, Lemon Meringue Pie, and Jelly! It is made in the blender ;)

  4. coolgirlc says:

    omg, i want plumpy glasses so much! anyone know how to get them either free in real life or easily in webkinz without trading to much? sometimes people who are quitting with them but thats really rare please help on how i can get some priceless cothing! and by the its so lemon meringue pie and pickles! maybe in the end it will be pickle pie for this one! lol!!!

  5. lilliana says:

    I think two of the clues are pie and pickles.

  6. DeeDee18 says:

    I figuired it out! Im such a genuis lol!
    Lemon Meringue pie+ strawberries+pickles= striped mellowmallow
    this is a blender recipie. hope this helps!

  7. baemery says:

    It is pickles and pie.
    (P.S. My username is baemery)

  8. fantasy girl says:

    hmm, do you think it could be 3 kinds of pie? cherry, pickle and lemon meriunge?

  9. Bat and Polar Bear RECIPE HELPERS says:

    To buddyjay00

    Here are some Recipies for you. And for all other Webkinz Users/Members.
    To start off, THIS ONE I MADE MYSELF!
    I was wondering if CORN FLAKES Mixed with anything. And it does!.
    It’s called:
    The Ingredients are: 1.) Corn Flakes, 2.) Chocolate Bar,
    AND you’ll have to UNSCRAMBLE this last one: 3.) Ctonouc.
    (Hey, I’m not just GOING TO GIVE IT AWAY LIKE THAT -There’s No Fun in it!.)
    -I used the PARK BBQ FOR IT.
    (The First Park on NON-Plus KinzChat, To the LEFT of the Logs & Firepit.)

    ANOTHER Recipe is fom The Webkinz World ARCTIC T.V.:
    The Show… The Secret Chef!.
    If you watch it 4 times in a row, Chef Gazpacho will give you 2 GOOD Recipes and 2 that you have to FIND THE LAST INGREDIENT for.
    So, here’s one i got called:
    Ingredients are: 1.) Potato With Butter,
    2.) Hamburger,
    AND 3.) Peas.
    I used the WWorld BLACK CAULDRON for that one. -I think.

    A fun one that a Blufadoodle would LOVE is called:
    Ingredients are: 1.) Waffles,
    2.) Cupcakes,
    3.) NOT Blueberry Pie, but it has TO DO WITH SOMETHING WITH THOSE BERRIES.
    -I had to FIGURE THIS OUT MYSELF So, it’s only fair that you have to too. :)

    Here is one that in on THE WHEEL OF WOW right now as a Drink!.
    It’s called:
    (Only the Cup is the Mushroom, pretty CRAZY if you ask me.)
    Ingredients are:
    1.) Mushrooms,
    2.) Marshmallow(s),
    3.) Ice Cream Cone.
    I hope your Kinzies will LOVE THAT ONE!
    My Bat does!.
    Oh, i FORGOT! You use the Applicance BLENDER for the one above.

    And here’s one that is ONE OF THE Recipes for THIS MESSY, CONFUSING, ANNOYING, (They should list the FIRST THREE RIGHT Recipes So we know there right BY NOW) Contest.
    It’s only written down from Comments that i read.
    February,Saturday,19,2011. -From the Article: “This Just In From The Obvious Department.”
    I’m guessing it’s the FIRST Recipe. It’s Called:
    Ingredients are:
    1.) Asparagus,
    2.) Fish Sticks,
    3.) Tacos.
    You use the Applicance STOVE for it.

    So i hope this helps you out for the KinzVille Stadium and for feeding your Kinzies.
    Bat & Polar Bear saying; “Peace” for now.

  10. CAMRYN says:

    pickles, lemon meringue pie and jelly

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