January 2018 Webkinz Name Me Contest WINNERS!


Here are the randomly-drawn winners of the Webkinz Lovestruck Panda Name Me Contest!



Prize: VIRTUAL Webkinz Lovestruck Panda

Player: dalion2002

“This little guy is a real snuggle buddy I would name him Snuggle”



Prize: VIRTUAL Webkinz Lovestruck Panda

Player: madisonmabel

“Looks like a Cupid.”



Prize: VIRTUAL Webkinz Lovestruck Panda

Player: AlliKinz

“I would name her Scarlett!”



Prize: VIRTUAL Webkinz Lovestruck Panda

Player: Furretts

“I’d name him Chance!”



Prize: VIRTUAL Webkinz Lovestruck Panda

Player: Natsume45

“I would name her Paris!”





Here are the randomly-drawn winners of the Webkinz Ragdoll Cat Name Me Contest!



Prize: VIRTUAL Webkinz Ragdoll Cat

Player: sheepgame88

“I would name this kitty Cleo.”



Prize: VIRTUAL Webkinz Ragdoll Cat

Player: robinroyal

“I’d name him Andy.”



Prize: VIRTUAL Webkinz Ragdoll Cat

Player: ashybugy

“bright eyes”



Prize: VIRTUAL Webkinz Ragdoll Cat

Player: noriamazed

“I would name her Alice. Her blue eyes remind me of Alice in wonderland. Also, she seems delicate and Alice is a delicate seeming name”



Prize: VIRTUAL Webkinz Ragdoll Cat

Player: Kay717





Congratulations to all of our winners and thank you to everyone who participated!


(Winners, please check the inbox of the email address associated with your GanzWorld account to receive your prize.)


View official contest rules.


32 Responses to January 2018 Webkinz Name Me Contest WINNERS!

  1. noriamazed says:

    omigosh i never thought i would win. this is a high honor for me. thank you ganz

  2. robinroyal says:

    I can’t believe I won. I’m so excited. Now I have to get one of the grandkids to help me claim my code.

  3. animalmomkls says:

    Congratulations to all the contest winners! Enjoy your new adorable pet.

  4. nanakinz5 says:

    Awesome – congratulations, everyone!! Enjoy your new pets!!

  5. ImaPepper says:

    Congratulations, winners! Adorable pets, adorable names!

  6. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:


  7. LabLover2014 says:

    Congrats! Lucky ducks, you all are. I’ve been on here 5+ years and still haven’t won anything :/

  8. julieperkins says:

    Congrats to the winners of the name me contest, Just remember you all did a wonderful ,win or no.

  9. megamom12 says:

    Gratz to everyone!

  10. Springshimmer says:

    Congratulations to all those winners! Enjoy your new pet.

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