January’s Pet of the Month

The Silverback Gorilla is January 2011's Pet of the Month!

The Silverback Gorilla is a fun and friendly pet who just LOVES to host (or attend) a great party!

When you adopt a Silverback Gorilla in January 2011, you'll receive a a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else.

After you adopt the Silverback Gorilla, you can download the MP3 of "Do You Want to Party?" from Music Starz, the Webkinz Music Hall of Fame! You can also purchase the song and video at the Ganz eStore!

37 Responses to January’s Pet of the Month

  1. cameron says:

    Kasey marchs pet of the month is the caterpillar

  2. cameron says:

    I have one. I LOVE it.Its named Silver.

  3. qoa44 says:

    omg that is totaly awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. carly says:

    why is everyone going crazy over the silverback gorilla? i mean llamas should definatley take febuarys pet of the month!<3. Anyone else with me??

  5. mallorigrace19 says:

    i love having the silverback gorilla it is so fun to watch it walk i just love it is just so much fun thank you bye bye

  6. joie says:

    dude my pets a gorilla but i can’t tell if its a silver back one or not i need help

  7. Josh says:

    What happens if you already adopted a silverback gorilla before January? Do you still get a pet of the month loot bag?

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January’s Pet of the Month

The Webkinz Schnauzer will be January's Pet of the Month!


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