January’s Pet of the Month

76 Responses to January’s Pet of the Month

  1. liklikmeri says:

    I have one too!! He is so cute! Got him at books a million for five dollars!

  2. ZhangBei says:

    I have one!

  3. breezycheesy says:

    so cute. looks like mint gum. love it!

  4. daffodil2002430 says:

    i got that pet (with plushie) about 6 months ago :P

  5. cassiepop80 says:

    this is adorable i really watn it.

  6. MandyCandy says:

    I have this Winter Webkinz from 2 years ago, and is so much fun and cute in Webkinz World!!!

  7. TinaKitty24 says:

    I used to have that psi….. :)

  8. LucyLucy5678 says:

    Polar bears are my favorite animal. My favorite color is blue. THIS PET IS MENT FOR ME!

  9. cxkids2000 says:

    i got one for Christmas and it is adoreable

  10. Theresa0311 says:

    Can you buy the actual pet or is it just a web pet or both?

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