July Events Calendar


There’s a lot going on in Webkinz World throughout July, including the Summer Shopping SPREE from July 11 – 25th! Check out the calendar below to learn about upcoming events:




Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for more information regarding these events!  What are you looking forward to the most? Please leave your comments below…


102 Responses to July Events Calendar

  1. awebunnys says:

    Ganz you make everything fun!!!! tanks you ganz!!! -awebunnys

  2. natalie13 says:

    I wish Webkinznewz would add some NEW Rewards prizes for Webkinz?????????????

  3. xoingtoby says:

    I don’t care for a floaty clicky to be only in a certain area – Like Webkinz X, I think it is too directive, telling us where and how we should play webkinz. Sigh. I am happy to see the Wacky Celebration coming though – I always love that!

  4. charleybear1101 says:

    This whole month sounds like so much fun. I Can’t wait for it all to start. Does anyone know when all the cool new changes happening?

  5. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    Hi everyone! My internet has been pretty messed up the past few days and it hasn’t been getting any better, (it took me FOREVER to load this page!!!) so please forgive me if I’m not on the next few days! I tried posting a free list on he trading forum but I can’t get it to load so I’m not sure if it did or not… But anyway, just wanted to let you know that I won’t be on very often the next few days. Hope our internet gets fixed soon! ~*JaneOfAllTrades*~

  6. 2hearts4me says:

    Why do we have to wait later and later each month to get our Deluxe gift box, we used to get it on the first or second of the month? Why is there such a big delay now ?

  7. GaminGrandma says:

    Does anyone know what animal it will be in July? I’m new but I heard that the billy goat was only for June. I hope they fix my Bingoz before the big event. Keeps on telling me I have used all my balls for the day and I haven’t been able to play in over a week. :(((

  8. doingmydailies says:

    Yay! July has some really awesome events! I’m so excited for Marshmallow collecting, Summer clothing, and the Sweet 16 room theme to be released! Ok, I’m also really excited for everything else that’s happening! There’s something missing on here! We still don’t know when Webkinz X starts. I have a hunch that it’s July 8th because the Marshmallow collecting icon is being moved to the map on June 8th. Reply if you think the same thing!

  9. TheMamaDragon2 says:

    I love Spree, but no dice in our rooms, only the park and clubhouse? Not all of us like to spend time in those places. I’d much rather design my rooms, shop, and play some games than spend time in the park or clubhouse.

  10. Solothedragon says:

    Soooo, nothing really lol.

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