July Peek-A-Newz Sneak Peek

The Shiba Inu pet will be “peeking” around Webkinz Newz this July, and she’s got a bunch of prizes you might win!  From July 1 until July 31, head over to the “Events” page and start the Peek-A-Newz activity. Find the Shiba Inu 5 times around Webkinz Newz and you will win a 2018 WKN July Gift Box. Open it to receive a random prize from the July Prize Pool.


Adventure Park Framed Poster (Common)

CampKinz Picnic Blanket (Common)

CampKinz Pup Tent (Common)

CampKinz Sleeping Bag (Uncommon)

Mod Square Flooring (Uncommon, NEW)

Ruby Mosaic Tile (Uncommon, NEW)

Summer Balloons (Common)

Summer Sun Bonnet (Common)

Summer Sun Dress (Common)

Victorian Garden Stone Curve Path (Common)

Victorian Garden Stone End Path (Common)

Victorian Garden Stone Straight Path (Common)


39 Responses to July Peek-A-Newz Sneak Peek

  1. kitterztoo says:

    No peek a newz option?

  2. Duck80mm says:

    Seams real hard to navigat sight

  3. M0nkeeGirlz says:

    Yay!! I can’t wait for the Victorian garden paths – I need them haha

  4. WebkinzFanCEG says:

    I’ll be glad to win the Victorian garden stone path tiles or the two new items.

  5. blackball says:

    All month 90 tries and I never won the new mosaic tile for June. RARE it is.

  6. Beckinz8 says:

    I can never seem to get enough of those Victorian garden stone path tiles. I love them and wish that they were sold in the Wshop. Oh, the paths I could make! Thank you for another opportunity to try to win some!

  7. bubbashuka says:

    Cool!! I never do the peek a newz though. XD

  8. Nate4555 says:

    I am hoping for mostly Victorian Garden Stone Paths since they really work well with so many themes.

  9. megamom12 says:

    The Summer Sun outfit is here! I’m so happy!

  10. Scorpio says:

    YES YES YES, love it

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