The Camo Croc pet will be “peeking” around Webkinz Newz this July, and she’s got a bunch of prizes you might win! From July 1 until July 31, head over to the “Events” page and start the Peek-A-Newz activity. Find the Camo Croc 5 times around Webkinz Newz and you will win a WKN July Gift Box. Open it to receive a random prize from the July Prize Pool…including one of two BRAND NEW pieces of furniture exclusive to Webkinz Newz!
Beach House Cooler Bag (Common)
Beach House Hammock (Common)
Beach House Seashell Sofa Chair (Common)
City Skyline Armchair (Common, WKN Exclusive)
City Skyline Fridge (Common, WKN Exclusive)
City Skyline Side Table (Common, WKN Exclusive)
City Skyline Sofa (Common, WKN Exclusive)
City SkylineTuckaway Trunk (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Ebony and Cream Crescent Dining Chair (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Ebony and Cream Squares Coffee Table (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Ebony Dreams Low Bed (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Glass Top Purple Stove (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Lavender Swirls Wallpaper (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Lavish Lavender Rug (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Leo Symbol Wall Decoration (Common)
Metro Purple Painting (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Metro Purple Panel Painting (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Rainbow Picket Fence (Uncommon)
Rainbow Beach Lounger (Uncommon)
Ruby Gem Lamp (Common)
Ruby Retriever Gemstone Window (Uncommon, NEW)
Simple Floral Toilet (Uncommon, NEW)
Summer Sun Bonnet (Common)
Summer Sun Dress (Common)
Trendy Purple TV (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Tri-Mirror Ebony Dresser (Common, WKN Exclusive)
WKN Sensational Summer Shades (Uncommon)
I love this month’s prizes, especially the summer sun dress. Is there any chance it could come back in red next year? I have twin sister raccoons, and it would be great to dress them in the same dress in different colors.
CLICK (CONTESTS) . Then CLICK (EVENTS) . Then scroll down to the (PEEK-A-NEWS)
THEN CLICK (ENTER EVENTS) . Scroll down 1 more tine and CLICK (ENTER EVENTS ) for the peek a new a 2d time. You ALWAYS have to ENTER 2 OR 3 TIMES to ACTIVATE game selections but the Peeks are ALWAYS SOME WHERE NEAR THE FRONT TOP BANNER !! Keep clicking watch as it says you need 2 ,4 or 1 more. THEN go to (FUN) scroll down to (PICK-N-WIN ) and the section below it called (QUIZZIES) . DON’T FORGET TOP RIGHT the REWARDS !! WATCH SOME are NOT SENDABLE !! SAD So be careful !! GL
Just please don’t be rude about it, holihs10. Yes, I love this! This is awesome! I got two Rainbow chairs, two WKN sunglasses, a beach chair and the cooler, and the sun bonnet. Thank you GanzWorld!!!!!!