Jumbleberry Fields Prizes Retiring Soon!


Three prizes will be retired from Jumbleberry Fields at midnight, June 4, 2024. Do you already own the Jumbleberry Wreath, Freshly Baked Sugarberry Pie and the Jam Maker’s Stove? If not, there’s still some time to trade your preserves for these prizes before they’re gone for good!



Keep collecting berries, because six new prizes are arriving at Jumbleberry Fields soon! The Jumbleberry Bathrobe, Pet Buddy Barn, Berry Farm Picnic Table, Berry Farm Bench, Berry Farm Cash Register and the Berry Farm Teeter Totter will be added to the game on June 5:



Play Jumbleberry Fields at the Games Arcade on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App. At the end of each game, you’ll be awarded berries that you can feed to your pet or use to fill up your Jars of Preserves! New to Jumbleberry Fields? Watch this video to learn how to play:



How many of the retiring prizes do you already own? Let us know in the comment section below…


48 Responses to Jumbleberry Fields Prizes Retiring Soon!

  1. cecedancer406 says:

    I wish we had more notice I unfortunately don’t have any of these prizes and I don’t believe I will be able to win them within the week. :(

  2. warden1964 says:

    AUGH!! Omg, I am absolutely LOVING the Buddy Barn, Seesaw and that cashier register is brilliant!! Oooh, I can’t wait!

  3. alucard says:

    Not happy about the prizes that were chosen for “Retirement”! In fact, I’m tired of having items “retired” at all! Just because in item is “retired”, why does it have to be “forever”? When or If it’s ever brought back, it’s hard to get, especially if it shows up as a Wheel Prize, or Adoption Prize. PLEASE STOP getting rid of furniture items like this Jumbleberry Stove! The ONLY two new items I might get will be the new table and bench. Not happy about the retirement of the current prizes. :-(

  4. noga4000 says:

    Oooffff please please consider postponing it for at least a month I’m so so sad, so many of us won’t be able to get them :(

  5. memsrjoan says:

    Glad to see the new prizes. I may step up my game!

  6. grandmaback says:

    Not really excited about a brown robe and the picnic table but the other prizes are nice. You should change the prizes more often!

  7. Bellatinkerbella says:

    It’s all so CUTE!! Thanks for updating it.

  8. loue354 says:

    I love most of these prizes,

  9. beth7713 says:

    We don’t need another picnic table or bench :(

  10. mikethesquirt says:

    I own the freshly baked sugarberry pie and I love how it has steam coming from it making it look like it is hot and fresh out of the oven.

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