Jumbleberry Fields Prizes Retiring Soon!


Three prizes will be retired from Jumbleberry Fields at midnight, June 4, 2024. Do you already own the Jumbleberry Wreath, Freshly Baked Sugarberry Pie and the Jam Maker’s Stove? If not, there’s still some time to trade your preserves for these prizes before they’re gone for good!



Keep collecting berries, because six new prizes are arriving at Jumbleberry Fields soon! The Jumbleberry Bathrobe, Pet Buddy Barn, Berry Farm Picnic Table, Berry Farm Bench, Berry Farm Cash Register and the Berry Farm Teeter Totter will be added to the game on June 5:



Play Jumbleberry Fields at the Games Arcade on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App. At the end of each game, you’ll be awarded berries that you can feed to your pet or use to fill up your Jars of Preserves! New to Jumbleberry Fields? Watch this video to learn how to play:



How many of the retiring prizes do you already own? Let us know in the comment section below…


48 Responses to Jumbleberry Fields Prizes Retiring Soon!

  1. pinkbluerainbowgirl says:

    Does anyone have an extra Freshly Baked Sugarberry Pie? There’s no way I’ll be able to fill up my jar in time to get it. -pinkbluerainbowgirl

  2. carriage435 says:

    Oh man! I haven’t gotten the pie yet! :( I wish I was was closer to filling up my Sugarberry jar.

  3. catvoyager says:

    the new prizes are cute! please do consider extending the time before the prizes retire or giving more notice next time, since a lot of players won’t be able to fill up their jars in time

    • percaroma says:

      They never give more notice. Pickle and moon berries I get the sour seeds. Jumble and sugar have enough sour seeds for daily harvest, so I put them in a frig until times like now so I can get retiring items.

  4. caseyspacey says:

    I know this a long shot, but GANZ should have feature code for Moonberry Seeds on Webkinz’s 20th Anniversary. Just a suggestion.

    • alucard says:

      @caseyspacey – I agree with you! I would love to be able to get more Moonberry seeds! They are the hardest to acquire in the game. It seems to take forever to fill the Moonberry Jar. And, I do wish that we could better notice of what is going to be retired, too. Or, maybe they could just stop retiring the Jumbleberry Field items! :-/

  5. Alice44 says:

    OMG i thought they were getting rid of all of them, the way i GASPED! i love the new prizes and am glad that they chose those, i wasn’t planning on getting any but still sad

  6. wickerbear says:

    The new prizes are great. Please give more time to collect the items you are retiring.

  7. TropicalGirl says:

    Thank you so much for the heads up on retiring prizes. The new ones look so cute, I can’t wait to get them all!

  8. princesstoast125 says:

    Please, when retiring items allow more notice! Some players may not be able to get their full jars in less than 2 weeks! Very nice new prizes, though!

  9. megamom12 says:

    NOOOOO! I’m so sad that they are slowly retiring the Jam Makers set! I do love the new prizes though. They will complete or help me expand some of my fall scenes.

  10. bekahandcj says:

    Yay! New prizes!

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