June Peek-A-Newz Sneak Peek

The Scribbles Pup pet will be “peeking” around Webkinz Newz this June, and he’s got a bunch of prizes you might win!  From June 1 until June 30, head over to the “Events” page and start the Peek-A-Newz activity. Find the Scribbles Pup 5 times around Webkinz Newz and you will win a 2018 WKN June Gift Box. Open it to receive a random prize from the June Prize Pool.


Alexandrite Mosaic Tile (Uncommon, NEW)

Farmer’s Wife Straw Hat (Common)

Mod Glass-Topped Dining Table (Uncommon, NEW)

Pyramid Wallpaper (Uncommon)

Rainbow Beach Lounger (Common)

Rainbow Picket Fence (Common)

Ruffled Summer Sun Sandals (Common)

Turquoise Flats (Common)

Turquoise Hoodie (Common)

Turquoise One Piece Summer Shorts (Common)

Turquoise Ruffled Skirt (Common)

Yellow Blossom Trellis (Common)


78 Responses to June Peek-A-Newz Sneak Peek

  1. asusier1 says:

    Still not able to find the pup more than 1 time. I have cleared all cache and tried on Chrome and Edge. Have tried on multiple devices without any luck. :(

  2. sjl44 says:

    Having same problem with peek-a-news. Did what was suggested several times, even changed computers and same results. Makes 3rd day in a row..

  3. Nate4555 says:

    I tried 3 different browsers, cleared caches, adds are on…still no luck finding pup.

  4. Sooners77 says:

    Last month, I never got any gem tiles. I have already got 2 total (1 was today). Yes!!!

  5. SteveMc says:

    Same with me – can get it 3 times and then nothing. Have cleaned cache etc. and logged off and on several times. still not working.

  6. Sally Webkinz says:

    We aren’t able to reproduce on our end — please try clearing your caches and/or trying a different browser.

  7. Elizabeth1961 says:

    I am also having this problem. Can someone fix this?

  8. persian says:

    I just tried to post a comment about having the same issue with Peek a Newz. I received a response that I was “posting too quickly”. What? I never post, and I’m certainly not quick about it. What are you saying Webkinz Newz???

  9. amh1018013 says:

    I am having the same problem, can anyone help us??

  10. asusier1 says:

    The Peek-A-News contest doesn’t seem to be working again today. I see the pup one time and nothing else. I have cleared my cache and started again both yesterday and today.

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