Have a question for Plumpy? She’s ready to give out some advice! Just post your question in the comments below and Plumpy will choose twenty questions to answer. You’ll see her responses here tomorrow, so be sure to come back and see what she has to say!
Sorry I was so harsh on my last comment.I hope I didn’t hurt any feelings.
just wanted to know if you will be giving out your glasses again would really love to have a pair or two?
Do you write stories?
Hello Plumpy! I have a question for you.
What is the most valuable item to you?
Thanks Plumpy!
Can lil kinz also be the pet of the month?
Plumpy,which webkinz pet do you love the most?
Do you get tired of having your hair done? Whew, all that cutting and coloring and curling, oh my!
When will we be able to create our own names for our rooms again?
Hi Plumpy,
I spelled my username wrong when I was signing up.
Can I change it without making a new account?
Hi Plumpy. Yesyerday, when I tried to post a comment, it said I was posting too fast. What does that mean? I have seen it alot lateley. Thanks, RedPanda