Have a question for Plumpy? She’s ready to give out some advice! Just post your question in the comments below and Plumpy will choose twenty questions to answer. You’ll see her responses here tomorrow, so be sure to come back and see what she has to say!
Hey Plumpy,
Is there really a Kinztunes CD?
yes their really is i have one of them!!!!
lena!! :)
will you ever be able to but ganz and webkinz e store items with kinzcash?
i ment to say buy
Ya drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
i don’t think so cuz thats how ganz makes money… i think but good point
I actually have a few questions,
1. Why do you let Kinzville Academy students style your hair?
2. Will you ever change your style of glasses?
And 3. What is your favorite color?
DEAR PLUMPY, how do you sell hamster items like rooms, balls, tubes etc. i really need to know. thanks, ribu(my user name!)
Dear Plumpy,
how come the kinzstyle outlet never really has somthing new and like a master piece? also how come its so hard to find the clothing recipes in webkinz? Plus my sister was wondering how come the special items like the jean uniform or fairy ballgown difficult to get. when ever she goes to get those items the pink pop star uniform or super hero costume would be there but never the jean uniform.
You can get those clothes at special events
Dear Plumpy,
Can you tell me something about the very earliest years of Webkinz World? – A great Arcade game right now is Tulip Trouble 2, but was there ever a Tulip Trouble 1? And if so, what was it like?
I have been wondering about that also, monkee.
Dear Plumpy,
My pets really need a vacation! Unfortunately, they have been to that Island so many times that it is no longer fun. When will my airline tickets take us to a fabulous new location?
i no
Will you be making beds that u can tuck webkinz in?
Dear plumpy,
I love entering writing contests but I always struggle with coming up with ideas. Do you have any advice for me?