Introducing a Leaning Tower of… Kinzville?

Yep, that’s right!
The creators of Wacky Webkinz World items have done it again!

Though this time it seems they’re a little off balance :)

The latest and greatest item in the Wacky Webkinz World series is the Wacky Tower of Kinzville.

This terribly built tower is the most popular tourist attraction in Kinzville! Your pet can climb to the top of the tower and enjoy a leaning view of Kinzville that they will never forget!

Find all this and more all at Ganz eStore!

417 Responses to Introducing a Leaning Tower of… Kinzville?

  1. cheeseman says:

    I think that they should let us buy estore points with the Kinzcash we have.

  2. WHEEEEEEEE says:

    WA-HOOOOO!!!!! I’m having a great time on vacation on a tropical island! Is anyone else?

  3. kitty98981234 says:

    Awesome! I want it!

  4. mudhen8 says:

    it’s not fair! all of us should get it if a few of us do! :[ that is a sad face bye the way!

  5. mudhen8 says:

    i think i is unfair! i think that if a couple people get it then all of us should! i am so mad right now it looks so cool but it is kinda dumb cause some of us don’t get it! oh and deluxe can have it to! or make it fair

  6. meg0143 says:

    im with ya 2 cookingsunny and whoever the first person who said is

  7. Lady-Gaga-Girl6895 says:

    I will totally ad u b sure to add me!:) My username is (fisherchic) b sure to add me!! I wish i could get the leaning tower of(Pisa). LOL talk 2 u guys later!!

  8. Princessalo says:

    I wish I had estore. I’m so sad that I don’t have estore I could explode. If I had estore I would be extreamlly gratefull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. GABRIELL1 says:

    I Dont like the e store at all because you cant buy anything cause it costs money

  10. face says:

    YAH no e storo isn’t so bad !……. I think people should stop saying bad stuff about e store!
    I know I dont have e store points dosent mean its bad(so stop pls) !!!!

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