Introducing a Leaning Tower of… Kinzville?

Yep, that’s right!
The creators of Wacky Webkinz World items have done it again!

Though this time it seems they’re a little off balance :)

The latest and greatest item in the Wacky Webkinz World series is the Wacky Tower of Kinzville.

This terribly built tower is the most popular tourist attraction in Kinzville! Your pet can climb to the top of the tower and enjoy a leaning view of Kinzville that they will never forget!

Find all this and more all at Ganz eStore!

417 Responses to Introducing a Leaning Tower of… Kinzville?

  1. madi says:

    The leaning tower of pisa is pretty cool to.

  2. I HAVE DELUXE :) says:

    I cant have e store :( BUT I have Deluxe. :) :) :) :) :) :)
    P.S Be my FRIEND my user name is velvet998

  3. luvsbunz says:

    Very cool! I want one!

  4. horse22luvr says:

    Wow! that looks great! I don’t like it how we have to spend real money on animated things on the computer… :( >:(

  5. OldGiraffe says:

    Cute. My pets would be sea sick in no time. :^)

  6. eli says:

    more then awsome is mangment thats what the tower is!!!

  7. Abli2001 says:

    it is soooo cool! i wish i could have it!

  8. TheOwlLady says:

    That is a cute idea! From the pictures, it looks like you can choose which way it leans by turning it around.

  9. I WANT THAT!!! says:

    it’s so annoying how it’s only at e store. I can’t get e store. e store is dumb because you have to pay for it. And I can’t have it and a lot of other people can’t have it either so it’s just dumb. Who’s with me???

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