Introducing a Leaning Tower of… Kinzville?

Yep, that’s right!
The creators of Wacky Webkinz World items have done it again!

Though this time it seems they’re a little off balance :)

The latest and greatest item in the Wacky Webkinz World series is the Wacky Tower of Kinzville.

This terribly built tower is the most popular tourist attraction in Kinzville! Your pet can climb to the top of the tower and enjoy a leaning view of Kinzville that they will never forget!

Find all this and more all at Ganz eStore!

417 Responses to Introducing a Leaning Tower of… Kinzville?

  1. looloo2789 says:

    THIS LOOKS SO COOL! i really want this! but i can not get it!

  2. maisy130 says:

    I WANT IT!!!!!!!

  3. maisy130 says:

    waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the ganz store waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    double waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  4. a02s says:

    i am with you

  5. angelcat801 says:

    im sorry you goys cant get estore but i wish that someday you guys will get something

  6. angelcat801 says:

    YES i got minty cow now and make up bed and the leaning tower and if you gous want to be my friend user is angelcat801

  7. Webkinz Fan1 says:

    OMG it is so cool
    I neeeeed estore so bad!!
    My pet will be wanting to go onm it all the time!
    Webkinz rocks!!!

  8. Europegal1 says:

    This looks nothing like the leaning tower of Pisa!!!! I have been there like 3 times and this structure is all wrong!!!! Its the base that is leaning into the ground! Not the tops that are leaning over!!!!! And also please have it like start straight, then every day you log on to webkinz world and go into it(not including if you have a party or a friend over) It leans more and more!

  9. 19spottie says:

    Y can’t we get it at the W shop? :(

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