Introducing a Leaning Tower of… Kinzville?

Yep, that’s right!
The creators of Wacky Webkinz World items have done it again!

Though this time it seems they’re a little off balance :)

The latest and greatest item in the Wacky Webkinz World series is the Wacky Tower of Kinzville.

This terribly built tower is the most popular tourist attraction in Kinzville! Your pet can climb to the top of the tower and enjoy a leaning view of Kinzville that they will never forget!

Find all this and more all at Ganz eStore!

417 Responses to Introducing a Leaning Tower of… Kinzville?

  1. destiny says:

    with you about the e store! my b-day is in april and i want the diamond doggy, but it is only in the e store!

  2. elizabeth says:

    iiiii wwwaaannnttt iiitttt soooo badly

  3. julianna says:

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i need it sooooooooo is the best thing that happend to me

  4. quasta123 says:

    there is a real tower like that though you cant go on it because sience its titled and old it could break and get hurt

  5. late girl says:

    Sory im late but the first person that doesnt like estores but she wants it im with u on both! i dont hav estore but theres really cool things that i want and like so i am DEFINITLY (?spelling?) with you! :-) :P

  6. JB LOVER!!!!!! says:

    I’M WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E STORE IS TOTALLY SILLY !!!!!!!

  7. ashtyn says:

    my parents never let me go on it because it wastes money and I agree.

  8. stinkybear321 says:

    i want that reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy bad but i have to pay for it in the estore. Man.(_)

  9. KELLY says:


  10. bananarox2001 says:

    i want that to!!!!!!!

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