Introducing a Leaning Tower of… Kinzville?

Yep, that’s right!
The creators of Wacky Webkinz World items have done it again!

Though this time it seems they’re a little off balance :)

The latest and greatest item in the Wacky Webkinz World series is the Wacky Tower of Kinzville.

This terribly built tower is the most popular tourist attraction in Kinzville! Your pet can climb to the top of the tower and enjoy a leaning view of Kinzville that they will never forget!

Find all this and more all at Ganz eStore!

417 Responses to Introducing a Leaning Tower of… Kinzville?

  1. spitman2 says:

    That looks so AWESOME! I wonder how many estore points it is.
    July’s POTM Is……….. CLOWN FISH!

  2. whiteangelcat says:

    i know

  3. kennapeace101 says:

    I REALLY REALLY WANT ONE OF THOSE!! I wonder how you get them (or where to go to go to the top). :) :) :)

  4. mab0623 says:

    I WANT THAT SOO BAD but i imagine that it cost a LLLLOOOOTTT of money:(:(:(:(

  5. Tawnypup says:

    Yes. The e store has many things that are not for the average pet. What makes it is worse is that they always have to show that the deluxe pets get all these amazing things! The webkinz cost like 15$ anyway!(lil’ kinz are cheaper though.) well, i guess we have to live with what we have.

  6. socks says:

    yeah i agree with comment 1. its not fair. also people that are deluxe get a lot of cool things too. but us people that arent deluxe or cant use the estore, what do we get. only wshop. not cool. sorry if i am offending u people that r deluxe and can use the estore. :l


      Why do they have the estore when probably more than half of the people don’t buy there So far all the comments I read they don’t go to the estore

  7. CrAzYkItTen4life says:

    For everyone that is complaining about the estore, you need to remember this:
    Ganz made the Estore so they could make money without really needing any supplies, which gives them a huge amount of money in GANZ’S pocket, I might add.
    What do you think GANZ will spend that extra money on? Probably to improve Webkinz World! :D
    so if they just got rid of the Estore, they would probably struggle with Webkinz. They actually need to BUY all their supplies to MAKE the pets and products. Do you think occuping and putting this site on the Internet is FREE?
    With how popular it is, it’s probably maybe 45 dollars daily!
    We NEED the estore if we don’t want Webkinz World to shut down! =] Plz remember this, it;s not worth your time to complain. =]

  8. Luree and her webkinz says:

    It looks like a big cake. XD

  9. cornelius437 says:

    im with i want that but where is it

  10. Chloe says:

    I have 20.000,000 estore points if you try to friend me my username is tglsfan123

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