Look for the Floating Rainbow Frosting!


The St. Bernard Puppy wants your help making lots of Spring Egg Gift Boxes! That’s why this week you can find Rainbow Frosting floating around Webkinz Newz! Between April 12 and 18, 2020, look for the floating Rainbow Frosting here on Webkinz Newz and click on it to win one Rainbow Frosting every day!


And remember – you can combine the Rainbow Frosting with eggs and a chocolate bar on a stove to make a Spring Egg Gift Box!


33 Responses to Look for the Floating Rainbow Frosting!

  1. KarenaJ says:

    Happy Spring everyone! Easter/Passover love to all. I love this chance to get more frostings. This event is so super fun. Thanks to Ganz for a great season and all the Webkinz community :)

  2. nanamama12 says:

    I love the idea of getting extra frosting! I’m having a ton of fun getting the older prizes!

  3. 1miruna says:

    AWESOME. thank you for this gift. please something. please extend the period. I want to make the whole collection of brown chocolate eggs. I want to keep them in the fridge. all the years. please please please please. love webkinz

  4. KSC says:

    Happy Easter! Thank you for more frosting!

  5. alucard says:

    I’m truly enjoying getting these sweet little Egg Gift Boxes. Thank you, Ganz/Team Webkinz. I do have a question about the Peek-a-Pet event. I have been playing this almost every day. Maybe missed twice. Why is it so hard to get the Soft Grey Sofa? Could the computer guys please fix it where we have a better chance to win the Soft Grey Sofa? I’m tired of getting the purple shoes and diamond belts! Better yet, why don’t you just make the Soft Grey items a room in the WShop? For KINZCASH! :-)

    • piggitime says:

      Wait? You have diamond belts? I wish the payout on these could be extensively charted. Although, yeah, I agree on the overkill of purple shoes and stuff like that. A couple sofas would be refreshing, but still mostly trying to get all of the gem items here.

  6. mimi2 says:

    A Big Thank you !!

  7. tink1706 says:

    OH WOW AWESOME !! THANK YOU !! I am gona wish for SWANS !!

  8. Amygirl113 says:

    Thanks so much for letting us get more frosting.

  9. Alphaowlbear says:

    Thank you for more opportunities to get the Rainbow Frosting! I’ve had a lot of fun this past week making the Spring Egg Gift Boxes and being awarded older chocolate eggs from the years I wasn’t playing. This morning I won the cutest little windmill! Happy Easter, everyone!

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