Look For The Leprechaun At The Kinzville Park!


Look for the Leprechaun at the Kinzville Park on your Webkinz Classic account, and click on him to get a new prize every day! He will be featured in the same spot all day and won’t disappear, however his location will change each day:



There are six different Leprechaun plush toys to collect, and when you click on the Leprechaun on March 17, you’ll earn a display case that you can use to store your plushy collection:



When you log in to your Webkinz Classic account on St. Patrick’s Day, you’ll also earn an Emerald Tea Set. Your tea set will be automatically added to your account as soon as you log in, then head to the Kinzville Park to collect your display case from the Leprechaun!



Don’t forget to log in to your Webkinz Classic account every day during this event. You never know if or when these prizes will be available again!



34 Responses to Look For The Leprechaun At The Kinzville Park!

  1. judy714 says:

    can anyone send me the red leprechaun please

  2. Freedom2026 says:

    Waaa :-( missed the red leprechaun. :-(

  3. i8bacon says:

    How do you get one you missed, I missed the yellow one :(

  4. judy714 says:

    on monday i received a green leprechaun not red now how will i get my collection

  5. gingerdare says:

    Maybe we’ll get plushies again next year? That way we could get the ones *cough* orange *cough* ones we’re missing. The jelly coins ran for several years.

  6. alyssaangel14 says:

    Is he in the same place for everyone? He was near the fire pit for me today, so you can try looking there!

  7. bsnd500 says:

    Hi I missed the orange plushy too from 3-12. As the others asked, how can we get one we missed? I am disappointed too that my collection is ruined :-(

  8. LadyBeauty says:

    Yesterday my routine was off, and I forgot to sign in to my Webkinz account, which means I didn’t get the orange plush leprechaun. I’m so upset at myself for forgetting! Is there any way we can get the ones we missed with e-points like we can with the prizes from Ms Birdy’s 12 Days of Christmas? I was so excited about the collection of rainbow color leprechauns, and now I’ve ruined it for myself, because I forgot to sign in to my Webkinz account yesterday. LadyBeauty

  9. elli313 says:

    Is there any way to get the leprechauns you missed? I missed out on the red one!

  10. kk9898mary says:

    Just curious, what animal is the leprechaun?

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