March Deluxe Day is TODAY!


Once again, Deluxe Members can log in TODAY, Saturday, March 22nd, and visit Today’s Activities (on the Webkinz Classic desktop app) to receive a special prize: A Bench Press Sofa!





If you’d like to join in on the fun and prizes, have a parent visit the Ganz eStore to upgrade your account!




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16 Responses to March Deluxe Day is TODAY!

  1. tuscan2007 says:

    I wasn’t sure where to put this. Suggestion. Next year could you possibly switch the Classic Leprechan gold suit to the Next green outfit? and vice versa? Also the crown was beautiful on classic. We’d love that on next also. Thanks for all the great work you do.

  2. dixiecup says:

    I have a gym already set up that I want to put this one into. I love that we are focusing on fitness with this piece. Thanks for the awesome item!

  3. sunnypinksky says:

    Thank you! I’m really excited for this, since it looks great in so many rooms.

    • dixiecup says:

      And I can’t wait to see what you do with it, by the looks of your WinterFest room you must have great plans for it. Good Luck in the Design Contest!

  4. ringneck1 says:

    Any chance you guys could fix the bug in Magical Forest when you get a charm, and then Webkinz utterly freezes? I have to get out the Task Manager to shut it down it gets so frozen. It’s been going on for years and is really annoying.

  5. mfaull says:

    Kind of sad this isn’t animated, but it looks good anyway. Thanks!

  6. ultrasonic3 says:

    KarenaJ THANK YOU!!!!! I left you a message on the article from Arte on St Patrick’s Day

  7. jonquilles says:

    Thank you! Time to make a home gym so my pets can exercise!

  8. rachelgirl192 says:

    I keep getting logged out today. Whatever I do: vacation island, spree, magical forest, no matter what, as soon as I go somewhere, I get logged out without further notice. I have not even counted how many times I have logged back in, but no success. That way, I will never get all the floating Wackys today. Anyone else having the same problem?

  9. gatorgirl54 says:

    Yay! Thank you! Time to redo and upgrade my home gym

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