March’s Featured Pets

53 Responses to March’s Featured Pets

  1. gml1939 says:

    Will there be virtuals for these 2 precious pets? Please. All my closets are full and running over!!! They are so cute. What are the Pet Specific Item for each?

  2. Picia says:

    Def the best pairing of all the pets thus far! I love them!

  3. puppies4me says:

    Why, why, WHY, is that HOWDY HORSE the POTM for APRIL? And with that print? I mean: APRIL …EASTER … BUTTERSCOTCH BUNNY! It’s adorable! And if not, I would have taken the Cockapoo over either of these POTMs. I can’t own a dog IRL, and definitely would never own the dolphin or horse even if I could. So, yes, I do like Webkinz dogs (which seems to be an issue)… as long as they look realistic, not like that former POTM dachsund, or any other patterned or unusually colored ones. Which begs the questions: **Why did the only really exotic cat have to be NEON GREEN (my Pallas Cat)? **Also, why did the pink ear lining and pink tail of the Chocolate Pup plushy become PURPLE online? Seriously. I bought one for my Grandson last year bc we both love chocolate and pink is his favorite color. That was fun: seeing my little guy disappointed about his Easter gift. NOT! Well, if nothing else I can save the code for that horse for when one of my smaller accounts is nearing Full Membership. OK, I need to get ready for RL today, so … end of rant. Thank you to anyone who read this and stuck with me through it (whether you agreed or not). >{^;^}<

    • puppies4me says:

      Chocolate Pup’s pink paws and icing on candies: also purple. (Sorry, couldn’t help myself with all this). I usually don’t go off on a crazed rant here. I guess seeing that Newz Blog first thing this morning was just too much for me. Please bear with me… >{^;^}< heart059

  4. Kraft says:

    Ah these are adorable! Hopefully I can snag them up on eBay sometime. Buying new pets is tricky in the UK.. Is there any future plans to ship here from the estore for an extra cost/shipping fee?

  5. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Cute! =] I like that the bunny looks different than the others we already have. I kinda felt like we already had Cokapoo though.. guess I’m wrong. =P These are both cute either way, though. =]

  6. doodlebug72898 says:

    Oh my gosh, I seriously cannot even choose between the two new pets. The Cockapoo is so precious! And the Butterscotch Bunny! I mean, look at her!!! She’s so cute!!!

  7. Itswebkinztime says:

    I love both of these pets! I’m totally going to buy these! :D I’m so excited they made another bunny!!! ()..()

  8. imthinking101 says:

    Oh the new pets are adorable! Love the cockapoo~ looks so soft! :D

  9. Jaredkinz says:

    Great Job this month! :)

  10. Austenshire says:

    The bunny is cute, but it is much to dark for butterscotch. They should have named it the toffee or caramel bunny. Actually it looks closer to coffee than either of those candies. Still, it is cute, and I will probably buy it. Maybe next year they can make a lighter version and call it the honey bunny. I’d definitely buy that one.

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