March’s Peek-A-Newz Sneak Peek

The Alpine St. Bernard pet will be “peeking” around Webkinz Newz this March, and she’s got a bunch of prizes you might win!


From March 1 until March 31, head over to the “Events” page and start the Peek-A-Newz activity. Find the Alpine St. Bernard 5 times around Webkinz Newz and you will win a WKN March Gift Box. Open it to receive a random prize from the March Prize Pool…including one of two BRAND NEW pieces of furniture exclusive to Webkinz Newz!


Aquamarine Birthstone Gem Lamp (Common)
Aquamarine Puppy Window (Uncommon, NEW)
Aries Symbol Wall Decoration (Common)
Blue Flower Lamp (Uncommon, NEW)
Boomin’ Green Chair (Common)
Boomin’ Green Couch (Common)
City Skyline Armchair (Common, WKN Exclusive)
City Skyline Fridge (Common, WKN Exclusive)
City Skyline Side Table (Common, WKN Exclusive)
City Skyline Sofa (Common, WKN Exclusive)
City SkylineTuckaway Trunk (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Clover Patch (Common)
Ebony and Cream Crescent Dining Chair (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Ebony and Cream Squares Coffee Table (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Ebony Dreams Low Bed (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Glass Top Purple Stove (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Green Stage Light (Common)
Lavender Swirls Wallpaper (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Lavish Lavender Rug (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Metro Purple Painting (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Metro Purple Panel Painting (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Shamrockin’ Guitar (Common)
Shamrockin’ Microphone (Uncommon)
Silver Treasure Chest (Uncommon)
St. Patty’s Jukebox (Uncommon)
Trendy Purple TV (Common, WKN Exclusive)
Tri-Mirror Ebony Dresser (Common, WKN Exclusive)

55 Responses to March’s Peek-A-Newz Sneak Peek

  1. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Awesome prizes! I may have to do this one.. Gosh, I hope I remember to! >.< I seem to always forget about these peek-a-newz challenges.

  2. dixiecup says:

    Nice choice of prizes for the month of March! Love the Green Boomin’ Sofa and Chair. It’s handy that they are common. Hoping I don’t get the St. Patty’s Jukebox, it’s really tiny. Thank you for continuing on with the Lavendar WKN Exclusive furnishings. I know a few newcomers who will be delighted to continue furnishing their rooms while saving limited funds for special items from Arte. Out of all of the items shown I really hope to get at least one of the Silver treasure chests.

  3. 1Emerald1 says:

    Looks like a fun batch of prizes for March. I’m glad the Clover Patch is being repeated, I never have enough of those. The Aquamarine Puppy Window & Blue Flower Lamp are beautiful new items & I’m hoping to win them!

  4. bubbashuka says:

    Awesome prizes!! :D I really, really hope I get either the guitar, window, microphone, or the jukebox. <3

  5. Ikawolf says:

    I just sell all the city skyline stuff I get now. I have way too much as it is, but I really like it because it’s such a pretty color of lavender that they use.

  6. ilovemoonie says:

    Cool! I love the clover patch, aquamarine puppy window, and blue flower lamp. :)

  7. beerfeet says:

    Are the Ebony and Cream & City Skyline items going to be a permanent fixture in this event? We have had them for months now and I would really like to see something different. I have everything except the Aquamarine Puppy Window and the Blue flower Lamp.

  8. Pupwolf says:

    I’d love to win the Puppy Window and the Blue Flower Lamp and several more Clover Patches, since I only got a couple from past years. Good Luck, everyone! I hope you win what you want!

  9. tinygma says:

    OOOO Shamrocks love the uncommon lamp and print !! Lucky me I can finally adopt this pet next month !!! FRIENDS I won’t be on WEBKINZ the 27th and 28th and maybe late on 29th befor I can get on . REAL life is getting in the way THANK YOU ALL !!

  10. greenmagic77 says:

    I have the microphone, guitar, and the treasure chest. But my treasure chest is brown. I think I also have the couches.

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