Marine Biology Community Challenge Day 5

You did it! The Webkinz Community successfully worked together as a community to pick up 7,500 pieces of trash in the Park! Here is your code for a Rocky Rest Stop. This code awards one item per Webkinz account and expires at midnight on September 30, 2018.



Here is today’s Community Challenge:

Work together as a community to play Atlantiles 10,000 times. Come back tomorrow after 9:30 am to see if you completed this goal – if you succeed you will win a Community Code for a Sunken Ocean Liner Flooring!


Missed the previous codes? Here they are:

Campkinz Backpack: W24F-4747-AH9D-V9SN

CampKinz Picnic Blanket: W247-MNDB-JZ58-VC86

Marine Biologist Tool Case: W24V-RZF6-7DDK-4KC8


109 Responses to Marine Biology Community Challenge Day 5

  1. GrandmaG21 says:

    I put in the code for the underwater flooring and it did not take it

  2. Furbyamy says:

    Could someone please help? I try and enter the code, but seems to be wrong and now locking me out saying I tried to many times.

  3. Blaine says:

    Ooo, liking this item! I don’t see it in the estore, so that means it should be kinzpostable! Time to play some games :D

  4. jazzsolo says:

    Awesome! Thanks for all of the great prizes, so far. Off to play Atlantiles, one of my favorite games!

  5. LivingAloha says:

    Awesome! I love this game!!

  6. sambear says:

    Does anyone know if mobile counts and does it matter if you play quick mode or does it have to be level mode? Thanks.

    • Mandy Webkinz says:

      Hi sambear! You CAN play on Mobile for this challenge and you can also play either mode! Hope that helps! :)

      • animalmomkls says:

        Thank you so much Mandy Webkinz for answering this question. I was going to ask the same question. Now I know when I play tonight on my IPAD it will count toward the challenge. So excited about this beautiful prize and I wanted to make sure my playing would count. Woo-Hoo!!

  7. Amygirl113 says:

    I wish the tool case was kinzpostable.

  8. Scorpio says:

    Way to go guys!! It was a hard challenge for me, but with all of your hints I plan to visit the park more often and clean up! I love Atlantiles too, this challenge is going to be a blast!!

  9. Amygirl113 says:

    I love this game – good luck.

  10. acantara says:

    Great job. The more people in a park the more trash there is. I had a nice conversation with other friends in the park. Time to go play Atlantis. I like this game! (hint I usually start at the bottom)

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