You did it! The Webkinz Community successfully worked together as a community to pick up 7,500 pieces of trash in the Park! Here is your code for a Rocky Rest Stop. This code awards one item per Webkinz account and expires at midnight on September 30, 2018.
Here is today’s Community Challenge:
Work together as a community to play Atlantiles 10,000 times. Come back tomorrow after 9:30 am to see if you completed this goal – if you succeed you will win a Community Code for a Sunken Ocean Liner Flooring!
Missed the previous codes? Here they are:
Campkinz Backpack: W24F-4747-AH9D-V9SN
CampKinz Picnic Blanket: W247-MNDB-JZ58-VC86
Marine Biologist Tool Case: W24V-RZF6-7DDK-4KC8
I put in the code for the underwater flooring and it did not take it
You’re putting in the code for the Rocky Rest stop. The code for the flooring is here:
Could someone please help? I try and enter the code, but seems to be wrong and now locking me out saying I tried to many times.
I am having the same problem
Code for the flooring is not here. The reason it is saying you already entered it is because this is the code for Rocky Rest Stop. Here is the link for the Sunken Ocean Liner Flooring.
Ooo, liking this item! I don’t see it in the estore, so that means it should be kinzpostable! Time to play some games :D
Awesome! Thanks for all of the great prizes, so far. Off to play Atlantiles, one of my favorite games!
I like this game in either mode, app or Web version. This is one of my go to games to get my KC and Family score bumped up.
Awesome! I love this game!!
Does anyone know if mobile counts and does it matter if you play quick mode or does it have to be level mode? Thanks.
Hi sambear! You CAN play on Mobile for this challenge and you can also play either mode! Hope that helps! :)
Thank you so much Mandy Webkinz for answering this question. I was going to ask the same question. Now I know when I play tonight on my IPAD it will count toward the challenge. So excited about this beautiful prize and I wanted to make sure my playing would count. Woo-Hoo!!
I wish the tool case was kinzpostable.
Way to go guys!! It was a hard challenge for me, but with all of your hints I plan to visit the park more often and clean up! I love Atlantiles too, this challenge is going to be a blast!!
I love this game – good luck.
Great job. The more people in a park the more trash there is. I had a nice conversation with other friends in the park. Time to go play Atlantis. I like this game! (hint I usually start at the bottom)