May’s Pet of the Month

107 Responses to May’s Pet of the Month

  1. pmhk says:

    i have her, but i logged her in to early. his name is rootbeer. he-he

  2. cuddles0320 says:

    i really think having a tiger would be super awesome [I don't have one]

  3. minniedorkachu says:

    I would name mine Firestar from Warriors.

  4. tabbycat says:

    I want to know who one the tiger for the contest. :-) :_)

  5. Bliblib1 says:

    Who won? :o

  6. jkl says:

    my favorite kind of flowers are roses, and tulips. i want this pet because my sister is 1 and wants a webkinz account.

  7. mmp14 says:

    Help! It is adorable. Can’t resist it.

  8. ina123 says:

    i luv that pet its my fav i always have it with me! and yes it is a pet of the month i was waiting for that moment! >_< yay

  9. happy2236 says:

    I like want this tiger!!!:)

  10. lazygal says:

    Yeah I never have this pet either so I am hoping I won too! Than I could save my points in the estore.

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