Meet April’s Social Media Superstar!



We’re so pleased to announce our April Social Media Superstar! Congratulations to one inspired Instagram fan: llama.kinz!


Llama.kinz has dedicated her Instagram account to her love of Webkinz—posting many, MANY photos of her collection! For all of her enthusiasm and support for Webkinz, we’re proud to make llama.kinz our latest Social Media Superstar!



Congratulations llama.kinz for earning the Social Media Superstar Trophy and Hoody!



Thanks for being such a fantastic part of our Webkinz community! Keep up the great work!


To meet our previous Social Superstars, click here.


39 Responses to Meet April’s Social Media Superstar!

  1. Hhayes says:

    Those are some great pictures! Your webkinz look adorable! Congratulations!!!!!!!!! =D

  2. doingmydailies says:

    Congrats llama.kinz!!!! I don’t have an Instagram or a phone but you are awesome for sure! What a great prize! :D

  3. 4CheeseTortellini says:

    Congratulations, llama.kinz! Enjoy your special hoody and trophy :o)

  4. kittypoo says:

    Yay! Congratulations llama.kinz! :D

  5. bee225 says:

    Dear Ganz… will you please post the timeless wolf winners??

  6. Dolphinlover55 says:

    Congratulations Llama.kinz!!! I’m sure you are so excited!!!!!

  7. RosyFox says:

    Congratulations, llama.kinz! Your pictures are so cute and creative! Enjoy your prizes. ~RosyFox

  8. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    Yay, congrats llama.kinz! I love when kinztagrammers win, it’s a pretty big and active part of the webkinz community

  9. megamom12 says:

    What darling photos! Congratulations llama.kinz! Well done!

  10. Starkinz says:

    Love your pics!! Congrats llama.kinz!

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