Meet Gnomon!










You can meet Gnomon in the Adventure Park!



Name: Gnomon

Favorite Color: Purple

Can be Found: Underground

Likes: Learning, reading, being right, the Adventure Park

Dislikes: Being wrong, dealing with people who don’t agree with me

Tell us About Yourself: “I know a ton about the Adventure Park – in fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question I couldn’t answer! There aren’t many Webkinz who are as familiar with everything as I am, so I guess that’s why everyone likes me so much. Right?”

14 Responses to Meet Gnomon!

  1. platyborg says:

    is that gy good or bad

  2. AEstarke says:

    Actually found him in the clouds with the Leopard’s quest. No spoilers why he was up there, but he was.

  3. ARandomScribble1200 says:

    How can he has a top hat without a cane? O_O

  4. Reeses says:

    Yeah! Isn’t he funny? But you can’t ALWAYS be right!

  5. froggysarecool101 says:


  6. rjbitutsky says:

    I didn’t see him in the adventure park.

  7. Icefox says:

    Now, THIS guy is realy funny! People who don’t agree with him. That’s funny.:p *Peace, Love and Hope, Icefox*

  8. Heatherstem says:

    What a… dapper gentleman. :D

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