Meet Raziel!













You’ll find Raziel in the Adventure Park!



Name: Raziel

Favorite Color: Orange and red

Can be Found: Underground

Likes: Sleeping, thinking, reading, warm weather, sleeping, sleeping and sleeping

Dislikes: Cold weather, bossy individuals

Tell us About Yourself: “I’m happiest if I can just hang out by myself in my cave. If anyone comes to see me, you can bet I’m going to have them run an errand or two for me. After all, who is going to say no to a dragon?”

19 Responses to Meet Raziel!

  1. add says:

    this is awesome! he looks sooo cool!

    • lilyluvie813 says:

      i know!!! why wouldn’t he oh and i just added u so look on your webkinz thing!!!!! i love this lil dragon and reply if u know if i’m a boy or girl!! u don’t know!!!!!lol i love dragons!!!

  2. xSapphirex says:

    I dont have the adventure park, but I think it is a really cool new thing to add!


  3. NatJac's Mom says:

    Nat & Jac think the dragon is awesome!!

  4. Princessunicorn19 says:

    Funny how he likes Sleeping, Sleeping, Sleeping and Sleeping! LOL!

  5. wintig says:

    That is COOL.

  6. MDIChickadee says:

    Smart dragon!

  7. Silver Wolf says:

    Cool I love dragons!!!!! :)

  8. Stacie says:

    I like Razie, he is cute.

  9. lillyluvie says:

    I think Raziel is really cool! Dragons are very interesting to learn about. ;)
    *Luv from LillyLuvie*

  10. iamawebkinzmom2 says:


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