Meet the Shamrock Dragon!


If you haven’t adopted your Shamrock Dragon yet, now’s a great time to visit the Ganz eStore. This charming and fun pet will only be available until March 17. The Shamrock Dragon comes with a great Gushing Green Geyser and some tasty Candy Clovers.

41 Responses to Meet the Shamrock Dragon!

  1. cometslam says:

    I think the Shamrock Dragon is soooo cute. I would love to get him-but can’t right now-I will just enjoy seeing him in the clubhouse!

  2. Hope says:

    It is so awsome. I can not wait to get one. It must be very coooooooooool!

  3. Makenna says:

    Dear shamrock dragon,
    Do you have a best friend if not then can i be your best friend …PLEASE!!!!!!

    Makenna speer

    P.S I was wondering do i have a good letter

  4. gumdrop hop hop says:

    I like the Shamrock Dragon a lot. :) :) :) <3

  5. amy says:

    It looks so cute,but I don’t have the money for him. :-(

  6. Crabcake says:

    I got him last year, he’s very cute. :)

  7. puppiesrule656 says:

    When are the shamrock dragon winners coming out?!? I really hope I win!!!! Please announce the winners soon! Shammrock Dragon rocks!

  8. Sweetail says:

    Hey I want that. I can’t have it because my mom said that i have too many webkinz and All i can get is Mazin Hamsters because i have soo many webkinz and i might get a zum buddie pretty soon and i’ll ask my mom if i could get it!

  9. nancydrew1924 says:


    • iluvmywebkinz says:

      its really cute you might have noticed that and guys, it doesnt matter who comments first

      • ilovewebkinz says:

        ok i want to comment under ilovewebkinz,so do not start any feuds cause this really is the name i started with and i hope iluvmywebkinz is not copying me! and yes it does not matter who comments first! please take this into consideration that NO ONE wants to be copied ! thanks!

      • awesomeme48 says:

        Iluvmywebkinz, some people just like to celebrate everything, I am one of those people. I she wants to get excited, let her. please don’t hurt their feelings.

  10. LuckyLou says:

    I am the First COMMENT!!!! YAY!!!! lol just thought I would let you know!! :)

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